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"S- sorry?" I said timidly. "Did you want to use the bathroom?"

The strange girl tilted her head and gave me a big smile "No you idiot!" she said.

I was slightly offended but decided to go along with it.

"Okay. Sorry then." I replied and tried to push past her to leave the bathroom.

She put her arm in front of me. I halted in my tracks.
"I heard you crying." she said slowly and something in her eyes told me that she wasn't mocking me.
For reasons unknown to me I nodded.
"You want to talk about it?" she asked softly.

I was blown away by her openness and her comforting demeanour.

"I- I guess I do."

Now it was her turn to nod. She grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the bathroom stall. The door was locked behind us and she pushed me down onto the closed toilet seat.

I felt as if I was in a weird therapy session. Although no serious therapist would ever treat people while they were sitting on a toilet seat in the back of a high class club. So I was sceptical and approached the situation with caution.

"So maybe you can tell me what happen!" the strange girl told me curiously.

As if I was waiting for exactly that moment I blurted out all my thoughts and feelings. The fact that I basically met the man of my dreams but I was scared to lose him because of my inability to keep any close relationships or my inability to make people stay with me or my insecurities about my body or my lack of self worth or my complete nervousness in social situations.

She listend carefully and nodded from time to time.
Her whole presence calmed me down immensely. 

As I finsihed my depressing tale she smiled.

"So first of all... you are extremely pretty. I feel like not enough people have told you that. Does it matter that you don't wear a size XS? I don't think it does. Also you don't seem awkward right now with me actually. You talked to a stranger so freely. And second of all I think you should stop using your head. Didn't you say something of losing that guy to a couple of rich, pretty girls... well then what are you doing crying in a bathroom stall. Go get your man! I think this guy saw something in you and if he isn't completely stupid he won't leave you for some attention seeking whore who's only personality trait is: rich daddy!"

Her words made me laugh.

"Ahhhh it can laugh!!" she exclaimed excitedly.

I dropped my laugh and now only smiled brightly at her.

"What?" she asked.

"It's just that.. you are pretty amazing you know that!"

She grinned at me. "I was born that way!"

I shook my head "Sure you were!"
I scanned her beautiful face and suddenly had a dejavu. Have I seen her somewhere before?

I frowned and she dropped her smile.
"What are you thinking about?" she asked seriously.
"Ohh." I said quickly "It's nothing, I just have the feeling that I've seen you before. But that can't be right!" I tried to laugh away the situation but something seemed weird now.

The strange girl raised her eyebrows and locked eyes with me. "Actually I do know why you feel that way."

"What??" I yelled out.

"Uhm, i'm not sure if you remember but earlier I was standing on the dance floor with my 'friends' (she made a hand movement that suggested that the friendship may not have been a good one) and we watched you and a guy sitting in the VIP area."

Without a doubt this knowledge almost knocked me off my feet. She was one of the rich girls that were pouting at me earlier.
My curiosity got the best of me and instead of storming away I actually asked: "Were you mocking me then? Or was I just imagining that?"

She looked to the floor and my heart dropped. I had my answer.
She only confirmed it with a quick nod.

She turned her head away in shame. "I didn't say anything. I swear! But my 'friends' just are like that. They like mocking people and making them down."

Tears started forming in my eyes but I kept looking her right in the eye "What did you say?"

She again looked away from me.

So I repeated myself slowly this time "What. Did. You. Say. About. Me.?"

She looked up. "You don't want to hear it. Neither do you need to."

"I want to."

"Okay but don't say I didn't warn you. They talked about your dress. Discussing if it was a hand me down or straight up second hand. The leader of the group called Hailey talked about the guy. Your guy I mean. She asked why he would sit with a girl like you. She said it was obvious that you don't belong there. She said she wants to...." the strange girl stopped talking and looked around the bathroom stall nervously.

My vision was blurred and tears were soaking my dress but I told her to keep going. "Tell me what she said."

"She said she wants to let that guy fuck her while you crawl back to the garbage can you emerged from."

If I wasn't leaning against the wall I probably would have fallen backwards by now. How could a person that had never even talked to me say something so vicious and cruel? Was I really gonna let her get away with that?

"And you? Why did you come here? To report back to that Hailey bitch?"

"No... you know they aren't good people. I never liked them. But we grew up together. The suburbs... you know. Rich ass part of town. I had no other people I could talk to but them.
I saw you leave and I saw you looked upset, so I followed you, I didn't have any bad intentions I swear." she spoke earnestly and my heart began to beat in a regular rhythm again.

"Okay..." I said slowly.
I gave her a faint smile and she was quick to smile back at me. I really did not want to make another enemy tonight. I may not have trusted her as of then but having a friend definitely sounded better than having no one.

"Your friends pretty much suck!" I exhaled and jokingly hit her arm with my hand.

"You don't have to tell me that twice! I'm pretty happy I followed you here. You seem much cooler than them anyways! Ohhh and if that guy hadn't gone for it with you, I probably would have!"

I blushed and was unable to close my mouth that had catapulted open because of the sudden confession. I left it unanswered and only continued my poor attempts to close my mouth.

The both of us locked eyes after a while, put eye contact was enough to communicate that we had spend enough time sitting in that bathroom stall.
So both of us got up and left the stall.

"Well..." I said as we were standing awkwardly in the middle of the room now.

"Can I get your number?" she asked into the silence.

My eyebrows shot upwards.
She gave me her phone and I added my number and my name. Then I sent myself a message from her phone so that I would have her number as well.
"What's your name then?" I asked quietly.
"Casey!" she replied.

Both of us smiled and decided that it was about time to leave the bathroom behind to go back into the main club.

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