blood and salt

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I pulled my shirt back over my head while Charles was already busy with walking around nervously and trying to collect all the clothes we threw away previously.

He was looking at the ground but even from a far I could clearly see that his face was as red as a tomato.

"Charles!" I yelled at him and he dropped the sock he had just picked up out of surprise.
"Y- yeah.?" he asked.
"Can you come over here."
Charles nodded and started taking teeny tiny steps towards me.

"You okay?"
"Yeah i'm fine!" he blurted out.
I offered him a quick "are you sure?" but he was not in the mood to discuss this topic any further.
So I let it go and helped him pack up.

We then decided to go to his house and after a quick search on google maps I knew exactly which road to take.
The car was smooth to drive and every second of the way was so enjoyable that I let out a long sign when we had to get out of the car because we had reached Charles' house.

But to our great surprise we weren't the only people that had just pulled into the drive way of Charles' house.

Carlos, Lando and a couple of people I had never seen before were gathered around Charles' front door.

I turned towards him but his brain apparatus seemed to be distracted with figuring out what the heck was going on here. The answer to this question seemed to have fallen into his lap as he exclaimed "Ohhhh the party... I completely forgot about that!"

Just as he said that a black mclaren pulled into the drive way, two girls got out of it and joined the other people.

"A party?" I asked awkwardly.
"Uhmm yea, actually... but this was planned like 3 weeks ago and I completely forgot about it. I'm sorry, I guess!" he wasn't looking at me while talking and I rather had the feeling that he was way more interested to join the crowd then stand here with me. To spare him the awkwardness of asking to leave I said "Well as you are the host, you should welcome your guests.".
He nodded without looking at me again and ran towards his people.
I was left there, half expecting a parting kiss or a hug or a love confession... or anything that would indicate that we just had sex and that he just came inside of me.
But nothing on that front.

My glance was still hovering on him when someone slapped the back of my head.
"Outsch!" I cried out.
As I turned I was able to recognise long blonde hair and an attractive face. It was Casey.

"What the heck are you doing here?"
"Well I heard there would be a party here... so here I am."
"What a coincidence." I eyed her and she flashed me a bright smile.
"I could tell you the truth and say that I was stalking you all the way till here since yesterday... but that would be too creepy."
Both of us laughed and she grabbed my hand to pull em inside.
I stopped her.

"What?" she asked.
"Well i'm not so sure if this is a party for me."
"Is Charles your boyfriend or not?"
I had to think about this question intensely for at least a minute before I timidly answered "Y- Yea I guess so."
"Right, great, that means we're going in!"

And just like that she dragged me through the front door.
Once we entered I caught a glance of Charles, Lando and Carlos. They were standing in the middle of the room talking to a bunch of girls.
I must have looked thunderstruck because theres no other reason with which I could explain the sudden feeling of a hand patting my back.
"Hes just talking to people, thats totally normal!" Casey offered while rubbing my back in a cheerful fashion.
"Yeaaa I guess that's totally normal!"
A moment of silence spread over us when I suddenly bursted out "Well but that isn't normal!"
Casey's head shot towards the group surrounding Charles.
There stood Lando, armes wrapped around a woman, tongue down her throat.
"What shouldn't be normal about they?" Casey asked sincerely.
"We'll havent you noticed that Lando has like the biggest crush on Carlos... and for heavens sake I would say that the crush is mutual."
Casey gave me a confused glance.
"If you dont believe me... then just look at Carlos!" I said loudly.
Carlos looked as miserable as someone who's heart had just been ripped out.
His left hand was clutching a glass of beer, his face was white as a sheet of paper, his mouth stood slightly open and his right hand was reaching for Lando.
"Okay that definitely looks like someone thats about to pass out!" Casey acknowledged.
I nodded and we both made our way over towards Carlos, Lando and Charles.

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