you deserve better

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While making our way back to the VIP area we talked a little when Casey suddenly came to a halt causing me to almost trip.

She was gazing at something in the distance. I followed her gaze with my eyes and was shocked to find her group of 'friends' in the VIP area surrounding Charles and Carlos at the end of it.

One girl was sitting on Carlos' leg. The british guy was only eying them cautiously. No woman was standing near him and I did think that he did not have any interest in them even if they were wiggling their asses at him. As he was too busy watching Carlos' every move.

To my great shock and horror, there were three girls sitting around Charles. He was in the middle. The girl which I identified as the group leader Hailey had her hand placed on his knee.
Charles seemed to be frozen into place.

My whole body went into a burning rage. I wanted to rip her head off and play golf with it.
Before I could storm off to fulfill my bloody day dream, I felt Casey's hand on my shoulder.

"They are only doing this because they feel entitled and probably because they want to mock you, don't freak out now... okay?!"

My head shot in her direction.
"Who said im freaking out?" I said in a calm voice that sent shivers down Casey's spine.
She eyed me cautiously.

"I'm not freaking out. I'm not going to run back into that toilet now, I'm not going to back off. You were right earlier. That right there is my man and i'm so gonna get him! To hell with these bitches."

Casey flashed me a bright smile and both of us walked towards the VIP area.
The bouncer let us in without asking any questions which I was very glad for. Because having to fight a bouncer to let me into the VIP area would kind of destroy my whole plan of walking in there like I own the place and getting back my man.

As we were closing in on the table I locked eyes with Charles.
As if he was struck by lighting he jumped up and was about to walk towards me when Hailey grabbed his wrist. He looked thunderstruck and flashed me a short glance of horror before being pulled back down by Hailey who was not keen on letting him go just yet.

I was just standing next to Casey watching this whole grotesque situation play out.

Charles now turned his head towards Hailey and said something to her. She tightened the grip on his arm.
I saw that it was time to step in and solve the situation when Charles was finally able to break free from her.

Fast as an arrow he closed the distance between him and me and before I could make a sound he blurted out: "This is really not what it looks like. I- I ... well I didn't know were you went and I well at first I thought you left me here..."

Anger started to rise.
"So you found yourself the nearest available bitch and decided to celebrate my departure by buying her some champagne?"

Charles nervously leaned from one leg to the other.
He shook his head violently.
"No No No. This is not what it was like. You told me to stay here. You said I should wait here for you. I- I was scared that when I go off looking for you, you return and then we miss each other and you may think that I left ... but... but I didn't leave. You know. I wouldn't leave." he stuttered and looked scared shitless.

"I well... I was worried because I thought something was wrong with you. But then these girls waved me over and they said that they saw you running to the bathroom and that they had sent one of them looking for you."

My head shot over to Casey who covered her mouth with her hands as if she was trying to shove the secret Charles had exposed back into her mouth. To erase it from memory.
She had lied to me. She said she decided to follow me. But she didn't. Her friends had sent her to distract me to keep me away from Charles.

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