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The next day came quickly. In the morning I was welcomed by the sun and its warmth. Or was it just my excitement to finally see Charles in daylight that caused my temperature to rise? Or maybe it was the excitement to ride his... well his Ferrari.
Although at that point in the morning I would have loved to ride his... his something else.

The breakfast I was trying to eat just wouldn't go down my throat. The excitement was just unbearable

Only minutes after I most unwillingly swallowed the last spoon full of cereal I heard a knock at my door.
For this reason my heart dropped.
I ran towards the door and quickly checked myself out in the mirror.
The sight wasn't too bad so I opened the door feeling quite confident.
That feeling certainly dropped as soon as I saw the man standing on my door step.
He was drop dead gorgeous.
More like flick the spoon, ride the fish, shush the brick, paint the porridge, drop dead g o r g e o u s.
I was able to see every color in full beauty now. The brown of his hair. The green of his eyes. The white of his teeth and the red of his polo shirt.
It was like watching color television for the first time after having watched black and white television for all your life. It was like seeing the sun after months of rain.
I was almost knocked backwards by the glow of his skin and the shimmer of his eyes.
A man to die for he was.
Obviously his first time seeing me in bright daylight must have been a letdown.

I imagined seeing a hint of disappointment as he glanced into my eyes.
I was indeed too ugly for him. And it hit me hard.
If crying would not make me even uglier I would have cried then and there.

Following our quick stare down at the doorstep. Where I layed eyes on my prince charming and he looked the evil witch that gave snow white the apple right in the eye.
Oh what I would have given to look like show white then and there... although snow white's a pretty basic bitch. This pretty much showed my level of desperation.

Charles cleared his throat and snapped me out of my thoughts with that.
The disappointment was still written in his face.
I looked down at the floor and then said a quick "sorry." before taking one step backwards to close the door and lock myself inside.
Once inside I would have imideatly taken to the fridge pulled out the biggest cup of ice cream.

But I did not get that far as Charles threw his hands towards the door to stop it from closing in his face.

"What?? You scared me!" I yelled as he pushed the door back open.
"What you are doing is what I want to know?" Charles said with an annoyed tone of voice.
"Well I was just closing the door." I replied.
He rolled his eyes and said "Well... I saw that. And I almost felt it... you almost smushed my finger in the door. Anyways... why did you want to close the door?" he asked with a confused expression.

I gave him a glance that was just as confused.

"Well... i'm just sorry for you and I wanted to spare us the awkward situation of you respectfully dumping me."

Charles almost fell backwards and he yelled a loud "What??" at me that scared me to the bone.

"What??" I yelled back.
"What do you mean 'dump you'?"
"Well you looked so disappointed when I opened the door... I know I'm no supermodel, i'm sorry if my face gave off the wrong impression yesterday night. I'm not that pretty in the light."

Charles frown turned into a bright smile, then into a laugh.
"I didn't even noticed my disappointed glance ... but I can tell you that I was disappointed... well but it most definitely wasn't because you aren't beautiful. You are beautiful. But uhmm I was disappointed because you basically didn't give off any emotion when you opened the door. Well I thought you would be happy to see me, I thought you missed me. Because fuck I think I missed you."

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