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When I arrived home I threw myself on the couch. Thoughts were racing through my brain. I heard my phone ring. Then it rang again, but I didn't care. Everything was broken and in pieces. Blood kept running down my hand and dripping on the floor. I felt like the room was spinning.

Was I even dating Charles? Or was I just a fling after all? Did he sleep with someone else? Just like that?

There were more questions than my mind could handle. Suddenly everything went dark.

When I regained consciousness I saw the worried face of Casey staring down at me. I was in my flat, on the grungy sofa. I blinked rapidly because the brightness of the ceiling lamp was blinding me.

"What the fuck happens?" I groaned.
"Well you suddenly disappeared from the party, so I went looking for you."
It felt like someone was playing the drums in my head.
"Your hand is bleeding." Casey said while holding up my hand for inspection. "I gotta take you to the hospital" she added.

I just nodded.

The next thing I remember is a doctor with brown hair and blue eyes pulling a needle through my skin. I looked at it. But it didn't hurt, it didn't seem to be my hand. I felt as if I was watching a scene from a movie.
"that's it." said the doctor and snapped me out of my thoughts.
I pulled my hand close to me and replied "thank you." but didn't acknowledging the doctor nor anything else in the room.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Casey leaving the room.

My phone rang. It rang again.

Suddenly a sharp pain hit my hand. The movie had ended. I felt everything. In that moment I really wished I hadn't. My hand was burning.

My phone rang again. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind.
Charles. What if Charles is calling me?

I jumped up from the hospital bed and dashed towards my bag to pull out my phone.
The doctor almost got knocked over by my sudden movement.

"Please you can't get up now, please lay down."

But I didn't listen. I got a hold of my phone and looked at it.

5 missed calles from Lando

My face darkened. This was it. I meant nothing to him. Charles didn't care.

"What's wrong?" the doctor spoke through the silence of the room.

I finally faced him. His face was pleasant. He had red youthful cheeks, slightly curly hair and a muscular body. I could clearly see the white of his teeth while he was smiling at me kindly.

I stopped admiring his face and looked him in the eyes.

"It's nothing actually."
He walked towards me and grabbed my arm to pull me towards the bed. I sat down. He stood across from me.

"Tell me." he whispered.

"I guess the guy i've been sleeping with is ignoring me and fucking someone else now." I said before my own mind could stop me.

When I heard my own words come out of my mouth I covered it in shock. What had I said... and to a complete stranger...

He was still smiling.
"Well that's a jerk."
I just accepted my fate and locked eyes with the doctor. "You think so...?"

"Yes obviously." he replied. "How can anyone cheat on someone as beautiful as you." he said with a big smile.

I started laughing. That guy is something.

"You don't know me... you would think otherwise if you did."

He grinned and picked up a piece of paper.
"This is for you. You can go. The cut in your hand should heal fine."

My hand slightly brushed against his as he handed me the paper.
We both smiled at each other.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"James." he said softly.
We smiled at each other again. Hands still touching.

Suddenly the door flew open with a loud bang. A distraught Charles stood in the doorframe. Behind him I could see a chuck of blond hair belonging to Casey.

I quickly pulled my hand away from James'.
He turned around and look at the door.

"Is that him?" he whispered under his breath.
I nodded. My face was white as a sheet. I had expected anyone but Charles.

James positioned himself between me and the door. And crossed his arms before his chest.

Charles was visibly upset.
He yelled out my name and tears started forming in my eyes. I shook my head which James noticed and then said "Could you please leave the room...? My patient does not wish any disturbances right now."

Charles looked thunderstruck.

I could hear someone breath in sharply behind him. It sounded like Lando and behind him I could see dark wavy hair. Carlos must be here too.

Charles face was red now and he crossed his arms in front of his chest as well.

"That's my girlfriend, let me in." Charles grunted.

The word girlfriend echoed in my mind.

James didn't budge.
Tension was rising. Charles started walking towards me but James quickly got in his way.

"Hey!" Charles shouted. "Let me talk to her. What the fuck."

"No she doesn't want to talk to you." James replied calmly.

Charles hands formed fists. He was visibly irritated.

"How do you know what she wants? Fucking get out of my way." he shouted.
His voice was deep and dangerous, it completely lost its warmth and brightness that I so loved.

"Leave my girlfriend alone, get it? Fucking don't touch her. Fucking don't smile at her.Fucking leave her alone."

James looked shocked. "I didn't do anything." he said.

" I saw you through the glass door. Don't act innocent." he screamed and suddenly pushed James away. James got up on his feet quickly and kept standing between me and Charles.

"Charles calm down." Carlos yelled and pushed past Lando and Casey to run towards Charles.

But before anyone could do anything else Charles' fist went flying  towards James' jaw. Loud silence filled my head the moment his fist hit James' face.

Everyone yelled out in shock and James' got ready to throw in a punch as well when a scream so loud and painful filled the air that everyone stopped dead in their tracks.

James turned around towards me. I had curled up on the bed, screaming frantically.

There was visibly shock in Charles eyes. And his voice was suddenly soft and warm again. He hushed out a small "i'm so sorry" before dashing out of the room.

Casey wrapped her arms around me and Carlos ran after Charles.
James was holding his jaw and a couple of other medical staff came through the door to look at what was happening.

James left the room before I could say anything towards him. I was left in silence. Only Casey holding me tightly and drowning out my sobs in consoling words.

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