take a hit

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Charles and I left the dance floor shortly after. As we walked towards the VIP area we could make out Carlos making out with the girl he was with earlier.

Charles stopped and looked at the scene curiously. To say it lightly, I was more than a little confused with this Carlos guy.

The brit was nowhere to be seen. Something told me that Charles was also looking for him as his eyes were scanning the room now.

Charles hand rested on my hip before he pulled me closer and whispered "I've got to go look for Lando, I will be back in a second babe." in my ear.

Multiple things are to point out here.
The first and most important being that he called me 'babe'.  A word that sent shivers down my spine and made my stomach tingle. I did believe that he did not think before saying it, it came natural to him and he did not seem to give it much afterthought. But for me this was a big thing.
The connection between us felt as if it was going on for years and not just a few hours. Never in my life had I imagined something like that could happen to me but miracles do happen. And this one was a particularly pleasant one.

The second thing that came to my attention was the name Lando. I had concluded that it must have been the brit that has been sitting right next to Carlos earlier. He seemed to have vanished from the surface of the earth.

As I was deep in thought I felt Charles' hand leaving my hip. If hips could scream then mine would be having a tantrum now.
Without his touch It felt so lost.

Charles pushed through the crowd to look for Lando while I eyed everyone around us to make sure that the girls from earlier were not around anymore.
For my own, and their peace of mind and body neither of them should cross my path tonight.

Especially not Casey.

Carlos was still busy having his tongue down the girls throat so I thought it was a smart move to sit down right next to them. In the hopes of not being talked to by neither of them. I just wanted my peace for now. This plan seemed to work perfectly until the display of my phone illuminated.
A whatsapp message was lighting up the dark. I glanced at it.

Casey: Hey, can we talk?

I almost dropped my phone and was about to block her number when a second message came up on the display.

Casey: Please let me explain.

I rolled my eyes and tapped on the message to open the chat.

Me: What is there to explain?
Casey: A lot. Can we meet up? Are you still at the club?

Curiosity again got the better of me.

Me: I'm in the VIP area.

Only seconds after I saw a blonde ponytail appear in the crowd. Casey was walking straight at me. A bruise was covering her right cheek.

"Hi" she said as she reached me.
"Hi" I replied coldly.
"Look... I know this looks bad. And well it kind of was. It's true that  Hailey sent me to distract you. But I never lied to you. I hate Hailey and her friends.And I really enjoyed talking to you. The way we met in the bathroom may have been staged but everything after that was completely honest on my side." her voice was clear while talking, her eyes were fixated on mine and I could not wrap my head around the fact that I seemed to trust her blindly.
Not everything was forgotten but it started to be forgiven.

I nodded slowly as a reply to her words.

She gave me a short nod as well before speaking "Well, that's all I wanted to say. You can text me when you want. If you can forgive me."

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