really dont want to go

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All three of used our maximum amount of strength to carry Lando into the car. Carlos sat down in the back seat together with Lando. Me and Charles who did not drink tonight were seated at the front.
The engine roared as Charles started the car. The sound of which made my blood freeze.
As I turned around I could see Carlos stroking the hair of a sleeping Lando.

Charles started driving down the road and glanced at me. It was a quiet night and the moon was shining down on us. If we did not have a sick Lando in the back seat Charles and I might have gone at it then and there.

"It's such a beautiful night!" Charles spoke out.
A murmuring sound came back from behind us. I had some more words to express my feelings towards Charles statement.

"This feels like the perfect night for stargazing, don't you think?"

Charles looked at me. "You're into stargazing?" he asked, eyes now back on the road.
I nodded and replied "I- I guess I am! Well I always used to do it."

Carlos kicked the seat in front of him causing me to almost smack my head on the dashboard.
"What the fuck?" I exclaimed.

"Can't you drive faster?" Carlos stammered.
Charles gave him a disbelieving glance.
"You might as well let me drive then!" I said more jokingly than serious.
Although I would in fact not mind taking the Ferrari out on a drive some time.

Charles and Carlos both eyed me and I quickly put my hands up defensively.
"I was just making a joke here."

Charles chuckled and said "No, I would be all for that." he paused and looked at me. The moonlight enhanced his handsome features even more. He licked his lips and continued saying "Uhmm well you could take me out tomorrow if you want. I- I mean IF you are free. We could grab some coffee or something."

Some seconds of heavy silence filled the room.
Charles broke it by awkwardly adding "Well obviously that's a bit short notice and all and yeah I get that you don't really you ... you know ... want to meet up... like uhmmm like two days later or something."

I eyed him and hit him slightly on the arm.
"Have you gone mad?" I almost yelled out. "I would more than anything love to."

Charles seemed more than a little relieved.
"But I should definitely have made you wait longer for that answer... you're literally shivering. Are you that scared that I could say no?" I saw a shy smile flash on his face. His heart shaped lips seemed so inviting. All I wanted was to extend and relive that kiss on the dance floor. But this time I would take him then and there. Sitting next to him in the car, imagining his head between my tights, it feels like torture.

The steering wheel was turned right and the car started bouncing as we hit the curb and pulled into the driveway of a mansion.

Charles pulled the hand break and turned his head towards me.
"Yes" he said simply.
This was in fact surprising.
The brightest smile yet flashed on my face.
"Well you definitely don-"
The loud bang of a car door closing behind us stopped our conversation immediately. Both of up jumped out of the car to watch Carlos drag Lando towards the threshold of the mansion.

"Should we help him?" I asked and really hoped that Charles would reply with a cheerful 'no'.
To my great surprise he actually did just that.
"Carlos, you will be alright there maybe?" he asked hopefully.

Carlos nodded and gave us an annoyed wave.

"I think he wants us to go!" is what I concluded.
"I would agree on that."

Charles and I got into the car again. I glanced at the clock in the car. It was 4:57 in the morning. Charles caught my glance and then said "It's really late... uhm or should I say early. I'm gonna take you home now!"
I sighed but he really didn't want to negotiate with me on that.
And with that he drove off right towards my house.

He pulled into my driveway and both of us just looked around awkwardly.
"Well..." I said loudly. "I better go." Internally hoping that he would stop me.
"Well yeah." Charles replied.

I opened the door and walked around the car. Charles rolled down the window. We again looked at each other.
I scratched the back of my head and since Charles did not seem to want to move a muscle anytime soon I moved towards the door.
As I put the key in the keyhole I heard a car door close and before I could turn around I had two strong arms wrapped around me.
To my great surprise Charles was hugging me from behind.
I stood there, frozen into place.

"Fuck." I heard him say quietly.
I answered with a just as quiet "what?".
"I really don't want you to go."

I turned around in his arms and hugged him so tightly that he took a sharp breath.
"Believe me, I really don't want you to go."

I cupped his face and made him look at me. My lips touched his. Softly this time and tender.
He brushed a curl out of my face and took a sharp breath. His eyes were watery.
"Sorry..." he whispered.

I looked at him with confusion.
"What for?" I asked curiously.
"Being so intense. I don't know what's wrong. There's just something about you. I want to be close to you."
He took a step back and looked me straight in the eye.
"I should go..." he spook.

"Okay..." I whispered in reply.

My face was burning hot. I looked at his perfect face and the muscular figure. I needed him inside of me. But it probably was best for both of us to be cautious and take it slow.

He went back to his car while looking at me. I heard the clicking sound of the car unlocking but my eyes were just fixated on his.

He finally turned around and got in the car.
I heard the engine start and he drove off. Leaving me with a heart that aches for him.

What a dreamy guy. Did today really happen? Or did I just imagine it? My phone vibrated in my pocket and the iphone notification sound rang through the dark. I looked at my phone and saw a message from Casey: I hope you found home okay. Meeting you was the highlight of my week. Sleep well.

I smiled. Oh this so happened.

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