7 - mr acker's guide

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A week later, I had memorised my lines.

Ok - some of my lines.

It was hard to keep up with school work and the play. How do actors do this!

Today, Ms Civolli and Mr Ackers had decided to skip to the end and rehearse Scene 12 aka. the last scene aka. the scene where I was meant to kiss Blake.

My negotiation with Mr Ackers last week had gone nowhere. Mainly because he changed his "give it a week, Amy!" to "here's a foolproof plan on how-to-learn-to-tolerate-your-costar-in-14-days".

Yes, he had managed to catch Blake and I's disdain towards each other and his brilliant solution to fix all of this was to give me a "how to like someone" manual.

Mr Ackers had given me an instruction guide  which honestly looked like it belonged in Theatre Kids Weekly! or another corny magazine like that.

After glancing through the guide, I'm pretty sure it was less a "how to like someone" guide and more a "how to not make sure you don't like someone" guide - as all the tips were catered towards avoiding romantic relationships.

1. Keeps things professional. No hormones allowed.

2. Get to know each other. Get some ice-cream, grab a coffee, strictly not dinner.

3. Talk about love lives. You wouldn't talk about your exes with a potential lover? So, do it with your costar!

4. Pretend you are your character. Lie about your childhood, make-up siblings if you have to. Do not be authentic.

Yeah, this is clearly rubbish. Was Mr Ackers giving this to me on purpose? Knowing him, it could be some sort of reverse psychology antics.

Cut back to the present where Blake and I were currently on stage practicing Scene 12.

"I could possibly-", I start off saying.

"Come with me ?", Blake says, hopefully.

"What do you say, Joshua?"

"I say-", he starts.

It was then that Ms Civolli had put in that we had to kiss. But instead, I awkwardly stand there, looking everywhere but Blake.

"You have to kiss now", Ms Civolli reminds. Yeah, no shit.

"Stare into her eyes", she directs. Blake rolls his eyes but looks deep into my eyes. Woah, those blue eyes.

"Step forward, Lila- I mean Amy.", I quirk my eyebrows in amusement that she actually called me Lila. Does she think this is real life?

I swear I see a flicker of a smile on Blake's face but it disappears quickly. I tentatively step forward.

"And..", Ms Civolli leads on.

"I don't wanna kiss her", Blake states, breaking eye contact and turning to face the front.

"And I don't wanna kiss him", I retort, my ego slightly bruised.

"Can't you just, figure this out?", Ms Civolli says, with a hopeful look on her face, "It is the theatre after all".

"No!", we both exclaim in unison.

Ms Civolli pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs, looking over at Mr Ackers who's watching in amusement. Seeing the worry in Ms Civolli's eyes, he quickly masks his laughter and begins.

"Alright, how bout this? You both will try to be friends...or go hang out in the upcoming two week holiday. If after that you guys won't co-operate, then we'll change the plot with no romance since it's too late to have re-auditions"

I looked over at Blake. As if this will work.

"Amy, you can use that guide thing I gave you", he looks at me knowingly, an evil smile forming on his face. God, curse Mr Ackers and his inert desire to be a matchmaker.

"What gui-", Blake starts.

"Fine!", I exclaim, mentally face-palming myself at the lack of discreet in which I handled that.

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