12- breaking n' entering

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"Amy, Blake, Paris, Thomas and all other main parts you are finished for the day", Ms Civolli calls out. 

I sigh in relief that I'm done for the day. For the past hour we've rehearsed this same one scene over and over. It wasn't even an interesting scene - just Lila meeting Henry, Joshua and Roxy for the first time on the streets outside Broadway. 

Luke was still needed on stage for chorus and backstage help. The latter just involved bringing props on-stage and off-stage and being Ms Civolli's own personal servant for the day. 

Oh joy. 

Making my way to the back of the auditorium, I take a sip from my water bottle and sit down. I guess I'll just watch the other rehearsals until Luke's rehearsal is done. 

"Hey, where's the canteen?", a voice suddenly says from behind, surprising me, making me almost choke on my water.

"Don't just scare people like that!", I scold after turning around and realising that's it's Blake. He rolls his eyes.

"Where's the canteen?", he asks again. 

"It won't be open", I tell him, putting my drink bottle into my backpack and turning to face the stage again. Currently, I could see a group of students carrying a sign which I would hope to say "Boulevard" but instead says "Boulyard".  Mr Ackers, as per usual, holding in laughter. 

"Just where is it?", Blake persists. I sigh and turn back around. 

I had nothing better to do and I really was interested in finding out what Blake's going to do at the canteen. And was really not interested on seeing what would happen when Ms Civolli sees that Boulyard sign.


"Fine, I'll show you"

I lead Blake down the hallway and upstairs, to the canteen.

"See? It's locked", I say, pointing at it. The canteen had one of those rollup garage-type doors which was now rolled all the way down.

"Oh, but you see, nothing's ever locked", he dramatically exclaims, grinning mischievously. Blake goes closer and tugs at the handle. "Oh, it's locked", he mutters to himself. 

"Congrats, you figured it out", I drawl sarcastically, "Can we go now?"

I turn around, eyeing the ceiling to check that no security cameras were witnessing this attempted breaking and entering, to which I was an accomplice. As I make my way around the corridor, I hear a loud bang! 

"Hey, welcome to the canteen, how may I take your order?", Blake smirks from behind the counter.

"H-how?", I stutter glancing at the door which was now rolled all the way up. "That's actually impossible". 

Blake ignores me and starts looking through the cabinets. Cautiously I take step forward to inspect the door. No punctured holes in the metal door. No hidden rocks to hide keys underneath. No welcome mat to hide keys underneath. 

"Want some chocolate?", he asks, looking through the fridge, "Ooh! There's whipped cream!"

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