8 - step 2: get icecream

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"Last rehearsal before holidays start! We will have few rehearsals within the two week break though", Ms Civolli announces.

Blake and I hardly glanced at each other during the rehearsal. I guess we were taking this Mr Acker's "forcing them to be friends" thing and boycotting it completely. Thank god  this rehearsal was mainly scenes with other cast members and chorus scenes. It was only at the end of the rehearsal that Blake acknowledges me.

"What's your phone number?", he asks, after coming up to me.


"Ms C wants us to meet up so we can form chemistry"

"Right", I tell him my number and he punches it into his phone.

Well, he doesn't really punch them.

Why do people say that then?

It's a saying. A crazy saying. 

"I'll text you whenever"



Yay holidays!

It's a new dawn,
It's a new day,
It's a new life,

And I'm feeling good.

Oh, what a song.
It was a great first day of holidays. My mum had gone to work so I  had my music thumping out loud in my house. Now, I know what you're thinking - why can't you blare out music when your mum is at home? 

Good question. 

My answer? Pass.

Currently, She looks so Perfect, by 5SOS was playing. I was organising my room so it was more tumblr.

It was then that I got a text from Blake.

Unknown: hey it's Blake. You free today?

Sent: nope, i'm expensive ;)

God, I'm so funny it hurts. 

Unknown: seriously why do i even try :( Wanna get coffee or something today?


Sent: sure when?

Unknown: I can pick you up in an hour?

Sent: okay, thanks

Surprisingly, he's taking this forming chemistry thing with me way more seriously than I thought he would. 

I quickly ate my breakfast because knowing me, it would take a while for me to get ready. I rush through a quick shower. Whilst still in my towel, I decide on what I should wear. Clair always comes over and arranges my closet so that I know exactly what goes with what.

Since it was Spring, and sunny outside I decided on some jeans and top which I hope was cute colours. I get changed quickly and go over to my makeup pouch. Swiping on some eyeliner, mascara and lipstain, I settle for a casual look.

I had naturally wavy hair that didn't need any curling or straightening so I guess I'm done. About 5 minutes later I got a text from Blake saying that he was outside. Grabbing my purse, I turn off my music, which was still blaring out loud, and go out the door.

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