9 - the facebook post

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"No way", I say. Looking at where Blake had just parked, I gape.

He parked at Aqua S. It's and ice-cream and fairy-floss parlour. All my friends have gone here and taken 'tumblr worthy' pictures with the ice-cream. 

"What?", he looks around, trying to figure out what I'm looking at. But nothing around us was out of the ordinary. Just an elderly couple, a jogger with his dog and a family going for ice-cream. 

"Aqua S? I've been dying to try this out!", I squeal.

"You're very dramatic, you know that?", he sighs, putting the car into park.

"I'm not", I huff.

"I'm dying to have ice-cream. I can't wait till Khalid come to concert", he mimics in a girly voice.

"That's not dramatic, and I don't sound like that!"

"Whatever floats your boat", he shrugs.

"Floats my boat?", I repeat.


"Nothing, it's just that's not exactly the manliest thing to say", I say smiling slightly.

"Sexist much?", he says with a pointed look.

"You mean sexy much", I wink with a playful smile.

Wow, that's something I would not expect to say in front of anyone, especially a boy I've just met. I just realised how comfortable I am with him, even though i know nothing about him. Sure, I spend after-school for three days a week for the past two weeks with him but that's only with Joshua, his character.

And you will not believe what happened. Right after I said that, Blake cracked a smile. An actual smile. His eyes twinkled up with amusement.

"Let's go"

I take my purse and open the car door, stepping out. As soon as we walk into the parlour, we're hit with cold air from the air conditioner.
"How can I help you today?"

"Umm, first time here so just give us a sec", I say politely to the girl behind the counter. She nods and goes back to whatever she was doing.

"Whatcha want?", Blake asks.

"I haven't decided yet, you?"

"I don't know! They're all so weird. Bacon ice-cream....Maple Syrup ice-cream...Mandarin...."

"You're meant to get them together so that they create a swirl", I tell him.

"Mmmm, bacon and mandarin ice-cream, yum", he drawls sarcastically.

"I'm torn between sea salt, rose, strawberry or fairy floss"

"If you don't mind me interrupting, you should definitely try the sea salt, it's our most famous", the girl at the counter tells us.

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