13 - u remember?

75 10 1

"You can't be serious" I stare at Blake in disbelief. 

Great. We're locked in a kitchen for who knows how long. 

I sigh, rubbing my fingers on my temple. Thoughts were whirring through my head, contemplating the best solution to this situation. Mindlessly, I reach out and give the handle a tug. It wouldn't budge. I let out an aggravated groan. 

This is like that one episode of Victorious where Tori and all her friends were locked in the RV in 40 degree weather.

 Except, instead of a caravan with hot weather - it's a canteen with a hot guy. 

An idea suddenly pops into my head so I bend down and take a closer look at the lock. Perhaps I could pick it open?


Abruptly I jump after hearing a precise crackling sound behind me. I whizz around and low and behold, there sitting on the counter was Blake munching on a chocolate bar.

"We're locked in and all you can think about is food?", I exclaim exasperatedly. 

"Chocolate?", he offers innocently, holding out an unopened chocolate bar. How can someone be so annoyingly arrogant  yet be so immature - and almost childish - at other times?

My sweet tooth gets the best of me as I snatch the chocolate bar from him.

"We have to get out of here", I groan, taking a bite out of the Mars bar as I look around for any other exits. There wasn't any. The kitchen was pretty small with just a stove in the back.

"Why? We have food, water- and we'll get out soon, loosen up a bit", Blake while opening random cupboards and peering inside. He pulls out a potato chips and rips open the bag.

"Hmm", I think, not convinced at all. I'd give myself maybe two hours tops in here before I'd die of insanity. Insanity driven by the most confusing boy ever. But, I guess we'll get out eventually and all rehearsals have finished for us.

"Alright", I mutter. Grabbing out two glasses, I decide to make my famous ice coffee. I make way over to the cupboards and rifle through them, pulling out a couple ingredients. I whisk it all together and top it off with whipped cream, giving my glass a tad more.

"Hey! you have more whip cream!", he complains grabbing the can and spraying some more on. I swear, sometimes he's just like a little kid.

"Just drink it", I roll my eyes.  Blake puts the glass up to his mouth and takes a tiny sip.

Suddenly, alarm bells were ringing in my head at Mr Acker's idiotic instruction guide. 

2. Get to know each other. Get some ice-cream, grab a coffee, strictly not dinner.

Ice-cream, check.

Coffee, check.

Well, does making coffee count? 

"I feel bad, opening all this stuff", I confess looking around at the wrappers of popcorn bags, chip bags, and chocolate bars. Along with the whipped cream can nearly finished.

"We could always pay them back?", Blake suggest. He takes out a $10 note and places it at the cashier.

"I'll pay you back", I immediately say. If there's one thing my mum taught me, it's to always pay back your friends. 

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