2 - good samaritan

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I push him back - hard. I mean, what else could I do? I obviously wasn't going to kiss him back and this seemed like the next viable option. Next to kneeing his groin.

"The hell?!", I begin wiping my lips vigorously with the back of my hand. There goes my lipstick.

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it, Gem! ", he says in a sing-song voice, winking at me. He then turned around, stumbling away from me back in the direction he came from to a group of people.

I let out a sigh. If all boys are like this then thank god my mum enrolled me in an all-girls school. I just hope that by the time I go to college, the frontal lobes of boys' brains would have somewhat developed.

"AMY!", That's the last thing I hear before I'm being tackled to the ground. I see the light.

Just kidding, but it was Clair giving me a big ol' bear hug.

"Have you been drinking?"

"No. Maybe. Yeah, just a smidge", she says, putting up her thumb and index finger to show a little amount.

I rack my brain. Clair's parents drove us here but I sure as hell can't call them when she's this drunk.

My mum? No, she's in Albany for the weekend.

Cops? I don't think I have a death wish just yet.

Strangers? My best option here.

Leading Clair outside, I suck in a sharp breath when the cold air pierces my skin. Now, I need to find someone to drive us home. Someone sane. Someone non-murdery-looking.

Leaning on the door outside there was a guy about my age on his phone. Blonde hair, leather jacket. He looks somewhat intimidating but, here goes nothing.

"Um, excuse me? Sorry about this and you probably don't know me but could you please drive my to my house which is 10 minutes away? My friend is super drunk right n-", I mentally facepalm myself. Admitting that we're drunk and stranded to a complete stranger? Good one, Tess!

The guy looks at us, then back at his phone, then takes a quick look back in the direction of the party. His whole demeanour changed right before my eyes. From intimidating bad boy turned golden retriever boyfriend-material. Now, I didn't say boyfriend. Just, a nice guy, you know? Kind eyes, warm smile. The works.

"For sure", he propped himself off the door and pointed to a car 10 feet from us, "This is my car - what's your address?"


Before I could get a word out, he stops abruptly, flashes a smile and puts his hand out. "I'm Luke, by the way"

"Tess", I automatically say, again, mentally facepalming myself at using my alter-ego name. I cock my head to the left, "This is Clair" - who surprisingly is doing a pretty good job at keeping herself upright, considering her, well, drunken state.

After putting in directions, turning the heater on and turning the music off, we set off.

"So what school do you go to?", Luke asks.


"A private girls school, huh", he muses.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, posh, rich, snobby kids- you?"

"Essendon College", he smiles, turning his head slightly to look at my reaction.

"Hey! You're one to talk- you go to a private boys school!"

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