5 - rehearsal

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Our first rehearsal - or cast meeting, I guess you could call it - was afterschool that same day. The drama teachers decided that to be fair, one week the rehearsals would be in Essendon, and one week the rehearsals in Pembridge because all the students of one school has to come to the other afterschool.

I had no idea what to expect but was imagining a Ms Darbus type teacher,  theatre kids painting sets with Zac Efron and Corbin Bleu sitting in a cardboard tree. 

A girl can dream, right? 

The play had two leads. One girl (me) and one boy (someone from Essendon). Then there are other cast members and extras in the play too.

"Nervous?", Clair asks, breaking me out of my thoughts. 

"My first rehearsal and I'm going to meet the guy I'm going to act on stage with? Yeah, kinda", I reply, rubbing my hands together.

"It'll be fine- look! I think that's him", she gestures to a boy just entering the hall. The boy looked up at Clair confused, turning around to see if there was anyone behind him she was pointing to. 

"Clair, you literally just pointed to the first boy you saw", I say rolling my eyes.

"Or maybe it's him!"

"Stop pointing!", I hiss, elbowing her.

"OOh! Or him! He's hot!! There are so many boys!", Clair squeals. 

Suddenly, one boy walks into the hallway. He looks strangely familiar. I can't put my finger on it. It was that guy at the party! Luke! No- not Luke, this guy had darker hair.  

As he walks closer and puts his backpack on one of the auditorium seats, I realise who it was.

"It's you!", I exclaim, pointing at the boy. 

He was that idiot who kissed me.

"Have we met?", he asks confused, shifting his eyes back and forth between Clair and I. 

"You don't remember?", I ask. He has to remember! Well, he was drunk. But here's another one of my theories - You can't possibly forget anything whilst being drunk. Like, come on, you'd have to be practically incapable of walking by that point. So, again, he has to remember! 

"Should I?"

"Really?", I ask in disbelief.

"I'm pretty sure I would remember you", he states, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Was that a compliment or insult?", I question, with one hand on my hip. I tend to do that a lot. Clair calls it my 'sassy stare down' as I also happen to stare at the person I'm questioning.

"Guess", he drawls sarcastically, obviously bored with this conversation.

"A compliment", I smirk, "How nice of you."

"Weirdo", he mutters, looking around. He gets his phone out and starts tapping on it, clearly ending our conversation there. The equivalent of double-tapping a DM on Instagram, if you will.

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