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The night that had started badly for him had turned out so well that the next day he was still reminiscing about it. They talked, he learned more about her and played ridiculous sleepover games.


"Okay," Esme started, placing her chin on both her hands which were propped against the table, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth?" He hesitated with a nervous chuckle about his answer.

"How many hours have you slept this week?"

Steven stared straight at her for a few seconds, not saying anything before saying, "...dare."

"Go to bed."

"I don't like this game."

She threw her head back slightly at this, laughing at his pouting face and how quickly he changed his answer. When her arm came up to brush a hand through her hair, Steven noticed the long black line on the inside of her arm, climbing from her wrist to just before her inner elbow.

"I didn't realize you had a tattoo." He pointed out, watching the confused look on her face before actually pointing to it.

"Oh, yeah, I got it a long time ago, forget I have it sometimes." Esme moved both of her arms underside up so he could see the matching line on the other arm.

"Wow, why did you get it?" Steven asked, amazed at them as he dragged his finger gently over the line, the thin lace between her skin and his.

"I don't know, I just really like symmetry."

"It's nice, I like it."


But then when he had gotten home, after walking Esme all the way to her apartment as usual and getting a kiss on the cheek as his reward. But then when he got home, complained to fake Gus about how he would never be his original Gus, before noticing scrape markings on the wooden floor.

"What's this?" He muttered to himself as his fingers traced the floor. His first thought was that made the fancy cat from before could have made them but that didn't seem likely.

The scrape markings followed from the legs of his table to underneath the small rug right there. He pulled the rug away quickly and saw how far the marks went. He didn't make those, her never moved his table, at least not frequent enough to make this permeant of a mark.

Steven stood up and pulled the table across the markings, stopping when they stopped. He looked around the area, wondering where this was leading to before he saw a slightly opened board out of place above him.

He moved some of his sand bags out of the way, placing them on the floor before cautiously placing his foot on top of the table and pulling himself up so he was at eye level. The man wiggle the loose board and moved it to peak inside. It was a little cubbyhole. Reaching all the way to the back was two things, a key attached to a keychain with a logo and a flip phone that definitely wasn't his.

Steven moved down before sitting at his kitchen table, reading glasses, that Esme said he look hut an old man in but a cute old man so that was nice, pushed up his nose as he flipped open the phone, holding the power button. "There we are. Alright.."

La Lune and I ~ Steven Grant/Marc SpectorWhere stories live. Discover now