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Two weeks after that night in the alleyway, Dru sat criss crossed on her worn out couch, lightly playing a rock tune without an amplifier.

She hummed lightly to herself as her fingers worked, now she was in the mood for hard Rock.

Standing up and placing her guitar down, she dressed in thick clothes.

Walking outside, Dru paused, she held her breath, the feeling of being watched hung on her greatly.

So she pulled up her hood, stuffed her hands in her pockets and proceeded to walk through many dark snowy alleyways to the local rock bar.

This was until she passed a familiar face, this one in particular she owed a large some of money.

"You littl-".

Before he could finish, Dru bolted, almost tripping in the snow as the large cat mutant chased her, shouting out profanities all the way.

Dru ran as fast as she could, but it instantly back fired as she ran smack into a hard figure.

She shot backwards with a grunt, but strong arms happened to catch her, the hands held onto her upper arms tightly.

Dru opened her eyes, and was met with familiar eyes.

The turtle stared at her confused for a moment, before his face darkened.

"You agai-".

Dru, remembering she was being chased by a drug dealer she owed money, she was quick to fight the turtles grip, she did not do drugs mind you, she just needed a small loan.

"Let go!".

He merely sneered as she continued to fight his grip, the fighting increased when Dru heard footsteps approaching.

Her eyes widened, so she did the only thing that would make the turtle release his iron like grip on her arms.

She bit him.

His eyes widened as a sound of pain passed his lips, Dru didn't bite hard enough to draw blood, she was not an animal, but this made the turtle let go.

She immediately shoved him out of the way, which did little to nothing considering he was built like a tank, she bolted once more, breathing heavily.

The turtle rubbed his hand with a dark glare pointed at the reddening spot on his green hand.

Not long after, a mutant ran past him, in a hurried manner, the turtles eyes narrowed slightly, as it all finally clicked.


Dru cursed herself when she ran straight into a dead end, she grabbed at her already wild hair in irritation while she cursed herself, over and over again.

"Got you now, you little snake,".

The cat sneered from behind her, Dru spun around laughing awkwardly.

"Hey come on now Jerry no need to get violent..I was gonna pay you back honest," She said holding up two of her fingers.

Jerry however wasn't buying it, as he immediately attacked her, a series of punches were thrown her way as Dru did everything in her power to block them.

He even kicked her in her stomach, twice, she was sure his combat boots broke a rib or two.

Dru coughed up abit of blood, As Jerry grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled it backwards.

"You know what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna gut you, then sell your organs on the black market,".

"T-That's abit crude d-don't you think,".

He smirked as he was about to pull her to her feet and drag her off.

Dru could only spit in his face as he punched her across the face making her head hit the wall.

Dru rolled onto her back, breathing heavily as shouting could be heard from behind her, from there everything was a blur before falling unconscious.


Dru slowly came to as she felt large hands lift her up into a sitting position.

"Dammit Kid, you trying to get ya-self killed..".

Dru groaned, the voice sounding very familiar, she immediately knew who it was as the turtle lifted her off the ground.

He slung her arm around his neck as he snaked her arm around his waist.

Dru sniffed and spat out blood that gathered in mouth, she licked her torn lip as she could feel the turle peek at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Stupid Kid,".

She merely smirked as he carried most of her weight.

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