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Raph carried the barely conscious girl towards a place where he knew that he could never go wrong with Alopex, their relationship has been rocky in the past few months to the point where they just ended things but still remained friends.

Alopex ran a homeless shelter, she hung up her weapons to help the poor and those in need.

Raph burst through the door, scaring all the mutants that were having a warm meal this time of day.

Alopex paused with a large pot in hands, she stared at Raph confused for a second then stared down at the girl.


"Please," he cut her off as he noticed the looks he was receiving for having a human in the building.

Alopex sighed deeply before setting the pot down, wiping her hands on her apron, "In the back,".

They all moved to the back of the shelter, Raph placed the girl down on a worn out mattress in a vacant room.

"What happened," Alopex said demandingly as she began working on the girl who lazily slapped her hands away while muttering in an almost drunk manner.

"I'm fiiiine~".

Raph pushed her down when she attempted to get back up, making Alopex sigh.

"Some guy attacked her, I fought em off, looks like she's involved with some pretty bad people...".

"You know how mutants feel about humans...she can't stay here Raph..".

Raph gave her dark look, "So what ya want me to throw her on the street?"

Alopex huffed as she worked in silence, Raph then stood as he adjusted his holster.

"She probably has a place of her own but she can't go wander-ren around in this state..".

Alopex slowly nodded as they both stared at the unconscious girl.


Few weeks went by and Dru was still at the shelter, she still had a bad lip but the turtle hasn't given her the okay to go home but she couldn't wait on him.

He came by the shelter every now and then, they weren't really friends but they spoke occasionally.

Dru sat at the table as Alopex placed a hot bowl of soup infront of her.

Alopex gave her a stern look as Dru reached for her spoon, "Wait this time,".

Dru eyed her before deflating in her seat as she leaned her head in her hand and stared at the hot soup, last time she took a big spoon of hot soup without waiting for it to cool down which earned her a angry blistered tongue.

Raph then entered the shelter with Pepperoni on his shoulder, his mutant or alien pet, Dru wasn't sure.

"Hey.." he greeted in the most dullest tone Dru has ever heard, she merely nodded as Pepperoni jumped upon the table as Dru began petting her head.

"Hey mister grumpy," Alopex greeted as Raph sat down roughly while huffing, "You got anything warm to eat,".

Raph started at Dru as she blowed on her soup, she eyed him rudely, "What," she lightly snapped making him roll his green eyes.

Him and Alopex spoke for a short while, before Dru rolled her spoon between her fingers.

"Soooo Ralph,".

"Raph," he corrected sternly making Dru click her tongue, "You never really told me your name and I didn't bother asking around, it's just something I heard that I thought might be your name....so anyway...can I go home now...I have a turtle to feed,".

Raph looked at her generally curious which made Dru uncomfortable, they never had normal calm or good conversations, each one always turned into a argument.

"You have a pet turtle?".

Dru rolled her eyes, "What, a girl can't have a pet," Raph shrugged his shoulders, "Never said that,".

Dru hummed not believing him as he continued to eat his meal.

"Have your ribs healed,".

Dru tensed up as she lightly began tapping her spoon in her empty bowl making Raph narrow his eyes.

"Ya-Ya of cause they are," she said knowing she sucked at lying.

Raph then poked her in the ribs, making Dru squeal in pain causing Raph to hold back a chuckle.

"Ya sure,".

Dru composed herself as she laughed lightly even though the poke caused her pain, this made Raph chuckle as they both laughed, oblivious to Alopex watching them with an unreadable face.

"Can I atleast go get my turtle,".

Raph sighed, "Whatever," this made Dru smile brightly about to say something more but another turtle entering the shelter made the air darken as Raph gripped his spoon.

"Hey," the turtle greeted, by the voice Dru could instantly tell it was a girl, she was dressed similar to Raph with a yellow bandana.

Raph immediately got up and left with pepperoni making Dru arch her eyebrow.

"Okay, jerk," The female turtle said looking down at Dru who smiled shyly.

"Sup.." she said awkwardly making the turtle smile awkwardly too.

Alopex smiled, "Nice to see you Jenny, don't mind Raph, this is Dru she came in beaten up so she's just here now I guess,".

"I wanna leave but Raph won't let me until my ribs heal, he did say I can go get my pet turtle.." she said carefully not wanting to offend Jenny by claiming that she had a turtle for a pet.

Jenny merely smiled, "Well we could swing by your apartment," Dru nodded with a smile as a small head peaked behind the door making all three heads turn.

"You gonna come in?" Alopex asked sweetly, Dru smiled at the little white turtle, she stared at them before running away.

"Who was that?" Jenny asked, Dru frowned sadly.

"One of the many mutant children that were abandoned by their parents after the mutant bomb," Alopex nodded.

"Well I'll go get her,".

"No I don't want you dragging her in here against her will," Alopex scolded as Jenny stood up.

"I won't I'll simply coax her, can't let these kids run the streets at night,".

Dru stood up aswell as they both headed for the door, walking down the Alleyway Jenny sighed.

"Dammit she's gone," Dru smiled sadly.

"She'll pop up again, she always does, my apartment is just around the corner, you can look for her while I just grab Ryan,".

Jenny snorted, "You named your turtle Ryan," Dru frowned, "What's wrong with that?" Jenny smiled holding back a chuckle, "Nothing, go on now I'll be here,".

Dru nodded before running towards her apartment.

- Human - TMNT fanfic_NumbNoodlesWhere stories live. Discover now