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They continued sitting on the roof for what felt like hours, Raph seemed more relaxed than his been in awhile as he spoke none stop, which weirded Dru out to hear him speak so much, maybe the beer was getting to him seeming as he started getting use to the taste the more he drank, Raph mostly complained about his brothers, he spoke about how him and Leo never got along on certain occasions, but he loved his brothers, even when they drove him crazy.

They spoke for hours about little things, to the point where Raph fell on his back, continously chuckling in a drunk like manner making Dru smile to see him loosen up.

She then frowned, Raph always seemed like he carried the world on his shoulders, the weight of everyone else's, if she could help in any way to loosen that burden then she would gladly do so.


Afew days had passed and everyone seemed to be doing their own thing, Dru had found a small job at a rundown store, the mutant working there was an old lady dog and didn't mind that Dru was human, it was mostly the mutants that were human before who didn't mind Dru's presence in mutant town, the others not so much.

Besides Dru had to find some way to pay back those drug dealers and luckily she didn't owe them too much, roughly 450 dollars.

Today however Dru was off, she's taken the liberty of cleaning up around the house while everyone was out or so she thought, Donnie was in the basement and Leo was in his room, having nothing better to do.

She carried a box of cleaning supplies as she passed Mikey sitting on the couch watching the news, completely forgetting that he was here aswell as the children.

Dru then overheard the people..humans talking about how they don't even know if the mutants have human like manners, and how they needed to study them and such.

Dru frowned, "Why are you watching that crap," she said placing the small box on the table close to the sofa.

Mikey turned to look at her as he switched the tv off, "Have to find out what's going on in the world some how,".

"Mind helping me clean up the mess the mutanimals made outside?" Dru asked taking out a spray bottle.

Long story short the mutanimals vandalized the outside of the dojo, spray painting a large circle with the letter M inside of it.

Mikey nodded with a smile as he got up, Lita then peeked at them from the kitchen opening, "Can I help?".

Dru smiled warmly at her as she handed Lita a bucket, "Sure,".


While Mikey and Lita cleaned up outside Dru grabbed another bucket and began making soapy water in the kitchen then followed them after, only to see a human standing in front of them with her phone.

Dru stiffened at the sight of another human as she protectively marched over.

"What's going on here,".

The human stared at Dru in shock as she spoke into her phone.

"I've just came into contact with a human living in mutant town, so clearly these mutants have some type of humanity to coexist,".

Dru narrowed her eyes looking over at Mikey as he gave her an excited smile.

"She's a journalist who wants to help, so that it doesn't seem like we mutants are just some mindless things to be tested on,".

Dru folded her arms, not completely convinced "Really..".

The girl then began throwing questions in their faces.

"So are you a human or some mutant who looks like a human I'm extremely curious,".

Before Dru could even answer she focused her attention back on Mikey as Lita hid behind Dru's leg.

"Okay so a lot of so-called experts say mutant animals are just animals with humanoid forms but that's it, no real sapience or human like thought, but that's clearly not true we're having a conversation right now! You can speak but I'd love to to get some kind of confirmation like do ya'll retain any animal behavior? ".

Dru tried interrupting, not liking how this was going. "Hey-"
"Hey you're a turtle right? Are your mating behaviors similar to normal turtles or do you still function like the human you used to be in that regard?".

Dru choked on her spit at that, "What the fu-" Mikey immediately cut Dru off when she tried stepping forward "Um...well, I wasn't human first, there are two kinds of mutants, ones who were animals first and ones who were human first, so..".

"Oh! I didn't know that! That's so incredible. So this little turtle here, he's not your child?".

Lita gripped Dru's sweat pants making her sneer, "SHE and I'm pretty sure this conversation is over," Dru didn't wait for the girls response as Lita grabbed her hand and took her inside followed by Mikey.

"That lady didn't even ask for your names.." Lita said looking upset making Dru smile, "Yeah..well some people are like that,".

"It would be cool if I started my own story..my own article on what mutants really are..".

Dru began packing away the cleaning supplies, "That's..actually not a bad idea," Mikey hopped up from the couch excited, "You think so! Imma go find Donnie!" With that he ran down the hallway as Dru stared after him.

"I thought everyone was out..".


After Dru was sure the place was near spotless considering it was run down, she prepared to head upstairs to go sleep.

But the front door opening made her pause, she peeked into the hallway seeing Raph.

He looked worn out with a small cut on his cheek, Dru frowned walking towards him.


He stared at her not really expecting her to still be up as he threw himself down on the couch.

"Hey...." he huffed, throwing his head back, "Your bleeding," Dru pointed out but Raph could only hum in response as he closed his eyes about to doze off.

But before he could lose himself to the darkness of slumber, Dru sat in front of him on the small coffee table with a damp cloth that she hurriedly went to go get.

She tapped him hard making him frown as he opened one eye to look at her, noticing the rag he immediately sighed before lazily sitting up.

Dru didn't say anything as she moved closer and began cleaning off the wound.

"What happened?".

Raph froze when she lightly grabbed hold of his face to steady him as he merely stared at her.

"Got into a fight with a boar...tried to settle it with a race..didnt go to well,".

Dru gave him a pointed look as she continued to clean the small wound and all the while, Raph continued to stare, not knowing why he felt so at ease at their close proximity, it made him feel,


His heart immediately began pounding in his chest at that strange feeling that made his hands tingle.

When Dru was done she slowly got up looking extremely tired as she gave him the blood stained cloth.

"Becareful next time, yeah," with that she walked up the stairs towards her room.

"Yeah.." Raph muttered as he stared down at the rag, feeling heavily confused.

- Human - TMNT fanfic_NumbNoodlesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora