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Dru was up early, her shift started at 9 but she decided to get up earlier to train.

So it was currently 4 in the morning while she was doing afew stretches in the dojo.

Most of the house was still very much asleep, training didn't start until 6 so she had a decent amount of time to train by herself.

She began by doing a series of flips and mild summer salts, she then took one of the many bow staffs and began swinging it around.

She flip and twirled, leap and rolled as sweat dripped from her brow, she coordinated the staff so high in the air that she aswell lifted her leg in the same motion.

Her and the staff in complete tranquility.

She held that pose for a good 30 seconds before she crained her leg downwards slowly, where it looked like she was about to do a high kick.

She huffed now exhausted, glancing up at the small beat downed clock on the wall she saw that it was 5:30.

She placed the staff back in its place as she sat down, stretching out her legs, she then heard movement from the dojos entrance, she immediately turned to see Leo.

"That surprised me,".

Dru instantly blushed, "You were watching me..why didn't you say anything,".

Leo smiled warmly, "I didn't want to interfere, besides it looked as though you were in a completely different state of mind...why don't you ever perform like that when we have training?".

Dru crossed her legs as Leo walked towards the shelf that had all the weapons stacked in it.

"I'm weaker than everyone else..they are much bigger than me..".

Leo shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know with what I've just witnessed you might be able to take on Raph,".

Dru threw him a hopeful grin, "You think so!" Leo turned towards her with a light smile.

"Why would I lie about marital arts,".

Dru stared at her bandaged hands finding a new type of confidence.


Raph walked into the dojo to see most of everyone already there, he smiled when Alopex gave him a little wave.

His smile dropped however when he saw Dru in the back, her foot high against the cracked wall, doing a stretch, she had her forehead leaned against her knee, eyes closed in deep concentration, mainly because the stretch was painful for her.

Raph continued to stare, feeling oddly...


Realizing his thoughts, he choked on his spit, coughing wildly as Alopex stared at him in concern.

"Are you okay!?".

This grabbed Dru's attention as she too looked on in slight worry and confusion, Raph immediately waved Alopex off.

"I'm good..".

When Jenny and her 'friend' Sheena walked in everyone got ready for training, they were now practicing palm and elbow strikes and unfortunately Dru was pared up with a polar bear.

She gave him afew strikes to which he blocked easily, this made Dru's spirit drop with each strike, it wasn't until he struck back that things took a bad turn.

Since he was much larger he struck her so hard to which she thankfully blocked but it didn't stop him from damaging her pride.

The blow sent her flying backwards about to hit a wall but thankfully Leo caught her in time. Everyone paused having witnessed the scene.

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