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Dru climbed through her window from the fire escape, having lost her keys to her apartment.

Her eyes immediately landed on Ryan who was munching on a large ball of lettuce from her fridge that had been left open.

"Ryan, there you are, I thought you kicked the bucket," She huffed out of breath as she picked him up.

He looked at her with a bored look on his face still chewing on lettuce.

Dru grabbed a backpack and stuff Afew of her personal items aswell as the lettuce ball and a bunch of frozen vegetables.

Making her way to where she left Jenny she was met with a horrible scene.

Jenny was fighting three mutanimales, one of them being a insanely large Porcupine.

Jenny had Afew of it's needles lodged into her back, she shouted to another mutant female named Mona as a Raccoon and a Platypus were trying to grab a bag from her.

Dru immediately placed Ryan down on a old crate as she picked up a thick plank and immediately whacked the Raccoon upside the head making him fall down screeching in pain.

"Dru!" Jenny shouted but didn't have time to say anything as the Porcupine slammed her into the snow by her face as a bunch of needles got stuck on one side of her face.

"JENN-" Dru got cut off as the Raccoon tackled her into snow, as they wrestled one another.

"Hey I know you, you're that street rat that owes us money!".

He then shoved the side of her face into the snow as Dru grunted while shoving his face with one hand and griping his fur with the other.

"I-I don't o-owe you shit!".

The Platypus held Mona under one arm as he held her backpack in the other.

"Mutants don't kill mutants, that's the first thing we taught you in training Diamond,".

All heads turned to see Raph standing along side a female Lion wearing leather clothes having her blonde hair to one side.

Raph gave Dru a look she could not decipher as the Raccoon still held her face down in the snow.

"Stand down all of you," she growled as the Platypus immediately dropped Mona and the Raccoon scrambled to get off of Dru.

Dru picked herself up as she rushed to help Jenny up aswell as Raph and Mona.

"We had everything under control," The Porcupine now known as Diamond sneered.

"Sure seemed so, Imma have to report you to Hob,".

"What! We were just doing our job!".

The Lioness narrowed her eyes, "Which is what exactly,".

"Punshing mutants, especially humans," he said glaring at Dru "Who break the law,".

"No! Your job is to protect those who reside in mutant Town, you're fired,".

They then helped Jenny down the Alleyway as Dru made sure to grab Ryan.

Raph looked down at Ryan before looking back up at Dru, "You good," he asked awkwardly.

Dru nodded with a fake smile, which he happened to catch almost instantly.

"Ya, ya I'm good,".


They all sat in a small room as Alopex pulled out the needles from Jenny's face.

Dru stood by the door holding a sleeping Ryan, she didn't take note of Raph watching her as they spoke about getting rid of Hob.

While they were talking Dru managed to slip away, she made her way to the roof and simply sat on the edge as the winter air chilled her to the bone, she made sure to leave Ryan in her room where it was warm.

"You'll catch your death out here," Raph said coming to sit next to her as Dru merely hummed.

"That would be a mercy," Raph stared at her, not sure if she was joking but seeing her face, he knew she wasn't.

It looked void of any kind of emotion as she blankly stared ahead.

Dru could feel the heat pouring off of him as his large figure shadowed hers.

She shifted awkwardly, like before, they would never just sit In each others company, they weren't friends merely people who spoke to one another.

Dru could feel the tears prickle her eyes as it became hard to swallow as she tried to compose herself.

"No one would miss me if I were to whind up dead somewhere," She played it off as a joke, making Raph's face harden as he stared at her but did not respond, making Dru shrug her shoulders finally cracking.

"I...*sigh* that Raccoon, he said he knew me...said I owed him money," she said softly, then began scratching at her arms making Raph's lips dipped slightly adding to his already grim frown.

"I've never seen him before, it made me for the first time in a long time actually fear for my life...".

Raph felt an unfamiliar stir, as if something awoke in his body, a feeling he didn't really enjoy, it made his thoughts jumble.

"We'll protect you," He said suddenly, making Dru's head shoot up to look at him eyes wide, not knowing why he would want to protect someone like her, a human that had no business being in mutant Town in the first place.


"Me, Alopex, Jenny my broth-" he immediately silenced himself, but Dru caught on too quickly.

She smiled slightly, "You have brothers?" Raph sighed, leaning slightly forward choosing to remain quiet.

Dru leaned forward with pouted lips making Raph sigh heavily, "I have three other brothers, Leo, Donnie and Mikey,".

Dru smiled, "Let me guess there all short for something," Raph smiled before it slowly disappeared.

"We..don't talk, I haven't seen them in a while..." he said, his voice having no emotion to it.


Dru then stood almost falling from the building, Raph had to grab the back of her jacket to stop her.

She gave him large toothy smile with her hands on her hips, "Let's head back inside, I have a hidden stash of sour candy and I would love to see your reaction to them," she said tapping his plastron making him tense up.

Dru smiled again before heading back inside, while Raph simply stood there deep in thought, feeling that unfamiliar stir once more.

- Human - TMNT fanfic_NumbNoodlesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz