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Dru and Raph walked side by side as they made light conversation, it still felt rather awkward to be speaking as if they were friends.

They walked up to a run down building as this made Dru whistle, "Damn...this place needs a lot of help," Raph smiled as he opened the door, "One thing at a time,".

As they entered the building the sound of talking immediately seized as they walked into the room.

3 turtles sat on piles of clothes and cloth as they looked extremely tired, Dru noticed the turtle in orange sitting with Ryan as he patted his shell.

"Hey.." Raph said as they all stared at him, then stared at Dru which instantly made her feel singled out as she awkwardly waved.

"Dru these are my brothers, Donnie, Leo and Mikey, guys this is my...friend Dru,".

"HI.." Dru said biting the inside of her cheek as they continued to stare Mikey then smiled wildly holding up her turtle.

"I like your turtle,".

This made Dru smile, "Thanks I hope looking after him wasn't any trouble,".

Leo then smiled slightly, "Not at all," Dru looked at Leo while smiling lightly.

Dru jumped when a white cat rubbed itself against her leg, "That's Klunk," Mikey said with a soft smile.

Dru looked down smiling she hasn't seen an actual cat in a long time as she bent down to pick it up, just as she did the little white turtle ran into the room followed by three weasels.

They all stared up at Dru confused, Dru simply waved as she bent down to give the cat to the little turtle.

"Finally got you to stay, huh," The turtle smiled shyly while nodding as the weasels stared at Dru she smiled warmly asking for their names.

"I'm Zink!".


"I'm Mushroom,".

Dru giggled, "Thoughs are all wonderful names," Dru then looked at the little white turtle, "And what is yours,".

She hid her face slightly behind the cat as she mumbled but Dru was fortunate enough to hear.


Dru smiled wildly, she loved children, "It's nice to meet all of you," They all smiled warmly as they huddled near her bent knees.

Then Jenny and Mona walked in, Jenny immediately saw Dru as she stood up.

"It's good to know nothing bad happened to you Dru!" Jenny said light heartedly as she swung a green arm around Dru's shoulders.

"I'm touched," Dru joked which made Jenny smile brightly as she looked at everyone.

"Have you guys ever been to a concert!".

Mikey's eyes widened, "What, no, we can finally do that, everyone here's a mutant,".

"Except Dru," Raph said as Jenny squeezed her shoulder, "I'm sure they would let her in, in the clubs no one really cares if you a human or a mutant, just put your hood up".

"That's comforting.." Dru mumbled.

Mona then threw up rock hand signs, "And I'm gonna show you guys the hot spots since you are permanent residents,".

Raph hung forward, "I dunno, I kinda wanna just nap.." he said with a tired look on his face.

Dru then lightly punched his shoulder, "Ooooh come on Raph it'll be fun and you look like you need it,".

Raph stared at her slightly taken aback that she wants him to go with them since they had a falling out and made up not that long ago so the air was still abit off, Mikey then hung over Raph.

"Yeah, there's so many normal people things we get to do now,".

Mona nodded with a large smile, "And the first thing we get to do is go to a Heavy Metal show,".


Everyone got dressed for the Rock themed concert, Dru pulled on her black cropped jacket, broken fishnets and black combat boots

Dru met everyone out side as she hopped down the stairs she quickly caught Raph's eyes as she pulled up her elongated hood that hung above her eyes.

Jenny pumped the air as they all began making their way towards the club.

They came up to the club called the Kennel as the band "After the bomb" was performing, there were afew mutants outside that stared at them as Dru tried her best to pull her hood down further.


Dru tried to enjoy the heavy metal music, but the mutants raging about made it very hard to do so.

She couldn't even find the others anymore, her hood had fallen off hours ago as her hair became damp of the heat and tight fit in between the mutants.

They towered over her, she felt as if she was sinking as her breath quickened, upon tripping over someone's tail, strong hands caught her.

She didn't look up as the person pulled her from the tightened crowd to where they were in a spacious bubble of dancing mutants

She finally looked up to see Leo, Dru huffed feeling extremely grateful for him, she shouted a thanks over the loud music, he simply nodded with a closed eye smile.

Dru stood next to him and simply observed, realizing that she would never fit in here, she looked on with a sad smile now just trying to watch everyone else enjoy themselves, not knowing that Leo was watching her from the corner of his eye.

"Imma go find Raph," she said moving past Leo knowing full well that he did not hear her as he watched her leave.

She had no clue why she went looking for Raph, she couldn't find Jenny who was probably having the time of her life seeing as how she's taken an interest in the lead singer, a beautiful pig mutant mind you.

Raph was kinda in a strange way her friend and it was hard to believe but she enjoyed speaking to him.

Standing on a crate in the back she was able to find everyone amongst the crowd except Raph and Alopex.

Dru saw afew foxes but couldn't distinguish which one was her, so she took to looking outside.

Walking out she froze in her steps, there not far from the clubs entrance.

Raph and Alopex sharing..a kiss.

Raph was quick to notice her as they pulled away him being the first to do so as Alopex coughed awkwardly, Dru quickly fumbled over her words.

"I-I am so sorry..I c-came out to get some air, it's really stuffy in there..I'll just leave," they said nothing as Dru stupidly rushed back inside.


- Human - TMNT fanfic_NumbNoodlesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon