Chapter 7

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After the whole zip line thing with Uriah, everyone who was on the rooftop decided to made their way back to dauntless.

They all strolled in laughing with each other and how fun it was.

Issy had walked into the pit, everyone was celebrating that four's team had won.

As she walked in she took notice that Christina, Tris, Al and Will were all sat at a table talking but she didn't go over to them. Not yet.

Ivan had told her that he was going to meet a few friends.

Four had looked her way as soon as he heard the group.

"Issy," he called her over.

She walked over to him and he jumped down of a ledge.

"Hey," he simply said which she quickly replied.

"Congratulations," he smiled.

I don't think I've ever seen a genuine smile on him. She thought.

"Thanks," she smiled back.

"You know I wanted to say that you were really good tonight, you were brave," he told her honestly.

"Thank you," she smiled.

He looked over his shoulder.

"Anyway you should go find your friends,"

Issy nodded and walked off to where the group of four were sitting.

"Where the hell have you been," Christina smirked.

"I went on a zip line with Uriah," she told her.

"Anything else," Will had elbowed her in her side to make her shut up, she mumbled a small 'ow' as everyone laughed.

Max now spoke up, all heads turning to look up at their leader.

"If you're ranked above the red line, you'll move onto the second stage on training, if you're below it we'll waste no more time on you,"
"Here are your rankings," Max pointed to his left.

Everyone had made it. Edward was now back in 1st place, Peter 2nd, Uriah 3rd and Ivan 4th.

Issy was ranked 14th, Will was ranked 7th, Christina 9th, Tris and Al were just above the line, Tris in 20th place and Al in 21st.

Issy was happy, screw that she was buzzing.

Her and the group had all made it though initiation.

Everyone was cheering, Christina and Will both had a smile plastered on their face, Will grabbed her shoulders and shook her.

Those two fancied each other, everyone knew it and everyone could see it.

"We made it," someone shouted.

"You made it Tris," Issy nudged her side.

The clapping had died down and everyone was chilling, quite literally, people had drinks in their hands, laughing, everyone was just happy.

"I think I'm going to get a drink, anyone want one," Issy asked.

"I'll take one," Christina smiled.

"Me too," Will said.

"Anyone else," Issy asked as the rest shook their heads no.

She walked over to the bar and ordered the nicest sounding drink for the three of them.

That's when four stumbled by her as she was waiting.

He was clearly intoxicated, he had a half empty cup in his hand, and reeked of alcohol.

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