Chapter 16

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Four had knocked the gun and the knife out of her now she was left defenceless.

It was a shock at first, why he would act so violently towards her, but she then realised they had him under a sim.

As he knocked them out of her hands he sat up and threw her into a fall, Issy had the wind knocked out of her, she was panting, gasping for air.

As he walked over and stopped in front of her.

"Four," she whispered.

"Four, four it's me,"

"You're in a sim,"
"Four it's me,"

Issy tried and tried over and over but it was no use, he was gone.

"He can't hear you," Jeanine walked over.

"Amazing isn't it," she walked over to fours side.

All eyes were on her, probably thinking how didn't she die.

"Everything we think of that makes a person, thoughts, emotions, history, all wiped away by chemistry," Jeanine carried on.

Issy was furious.

"Four," she tried again.

"He's gone, and we're all safer for it,"

"Safer?" Issy raised her eyebrows.

"How are we safer?"

"The brilliance of the faction system is the conformity to the faction," Jeanine was now walking towards her, Issy stopped listening to her after she said the first couple of words.

"Their independent will," she finished now standing my Issy's side.

"Divergents threaten that system," she walked back over to four.

"Don't get me wrong, there's a certain beauty in your resistance, but defiance of categorisation. It's a beauty we can't afford," Jeanine finished.

She walked back into the white room next door, a man in blue clothing walked over to a computer and pressed buttons, Issy didn't know what they were for but they couldn't have been anything good.

Issy walked over to four.

"Four it's me,"

"It's me," she placed a hand on his shoulder and then his neck.

When she did this four seemed to have snapped.

He put his hands straight to the throat, pushing her back against the wall so she couldn't breath.

Issy's natural instinct is to chop fours elbow, but he didn't budge, he only gave out grunts.

He had had enough, four had officially saw red.

He picked her up and slammed her against the wall yet again.

As he did this Issy saw an opportunity to climb up him, wrap her legs around his neck and throw herself to the floor, four had flipped over onto his back and let out a groan.

Issy got back up and made an attempt to run, she couldn't fight him, he had many advantages.

He grabbed the back of her jacket and yanked her back, throwing her onto the floor, she hit a trolly which sent cups flying off it.

Issy rolled over and stood up, she started backing away as four marched over to her.

He threw a few punches but Issy ducked and moved to the side, anything to avoid fours punches.

As he made a punch Issy moved to the side and grabbed him, her arms around his shoulders. Four threw her elbows into her arms.

"Four it's me," she screamed but it was no use.

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