Chapter 10

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Four had pushed open the door to the fear landscape room.

"What are we doing here?" Issy asked him

"Shut the door," Four nods towards the door.

Issy turns around and closes the door.

"You're gonna practise," he tells her.

"In my fear landscape?"

"No in mine,"

Four takes off his jacket and gets the needle ready.

"We go in together," he tells her.

"Have you ever done this before?"

Four shakes his head
"No, I haven't,"

"Are you sure you want to?"

This makes four give a little smile, Issy was the only ever person who had asked if he ever wanted to do something except Tori.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know, I mean you haven't told me anything about yourself and now you just want to let me inside your head?"

"Why? Are you afraid of that?" Issy knew he was asking a genuine question but it sounded like more of a challenge.

"You're not?" she asks in disbelief.

"No," he says putting the syringe into his neck and putting half of the serum into his neck.

Four grabs the side on Issy's face and puts the needle in, letting the other half of the serum go into her body.

Four places a monitor on her temple and one on his.

He was sitting in the chair and she was sitting on top of his, they still hadn't spoken about what happened on the ferries wheel and now she's sitting on his lap.

Four closes his eyes as does Issy.

She opens them again to see a different change of scenery, she looks down to see that there are both about 100 maybe more feet in the air on a three pipe wide long strip.

Issy looks over to four to see that he's trying to distract himself, his breathing is getting heavier, and he's afraid.

"Fear of heights," Issy spoke.

"Not surprised," she remembered back at the ferries wheel when he was shitting himself.

Issy stands up and takes a look over the ledge
"It's not real, we can just jump and-"

"No, divergent would jump, dauntless would get to that building," he points to the building to their left.

"If you wanna pass, if you wanna avoid discovery, you have to do everything the way a dauntless would do it,"
"You have to find some tools, some method to survive," he says making his way over to the building.

Issy quickly follows him and watches as he jumps into the building.

They both go through the little door and end up in a metal box. When they're both fully in the box start to shrink.

They both try to attempt to stop the walls from caving in but it's no use, it's not doing anything.

"Fear of confinement," four speaks, he's sweating, and out of breath.

"You have to find a way of stopping it," he continues rambling.

"What would a dauntless do?" He asks.

Issy notices some nails on the floor, she reaches for them and starts to wedge them in between the moving wall and the floor.


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