2.8 raving

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"Your baby's okay." Melissa says looking at me.

I smile softly and dad and Allison walk in. "I need to speak to my daughter." Dad says.

Melissa nods and Allison grabs a wheelchair. "I can walk." I sigh.

Dad looks at Melissa. "No walking yet." Melissa says.

I sigh and sit down in the wheelchair. They take me to the morgue and Allison stands next to me while dad walks over to the body's on the tables that are covered.

"This one, Sean. Sean was killed by this thing Gerard says is a kind of shape shifter. It hasn't been around for centuries." Dad says.

"The thing you show outside the club the other night." Allison says.

"South American legend we know of calls it the Kanima." Dad says.

Allison and I nod as dad points at the other body. A woman. "This one, Jessica. She was smothered to death after giving birth. The police think it was done by someone else. We think it's a person who's controlling this other shapeshifter." Dad says.

I wipe away a tear feeling sad for the baby who now has no parents. I put my hand on my belly and look at dad. "That means two killers, girls. One human, one not." He continues.

"You know, the question I had after Gerard first told me about our family, 'why us?' He quoted me Winston Churchill. 'The price of greatness is responsibility.' Personally I think it's more about knowledge. But we know the truth. We know about the world." Dad speaks harsh and a little angry walking to the side of Jessica's body.

"That makes us responsible! For a young couple, their newborn daughter. Anyone that doesn't have the power to defend themselves." Are you starting to get it?" Dad asks us.

"I get that this isn't a lecture." Allison says.

I stand up out of the wheelchair. "It's an interrogation." I say.

"That depends on what you know. Gerard showed me the library. Cameras didn't catch everything, but do you really think a little high school right can explain that amount of damage? We know you're both trying to protect your friends, but people are dying. A child was orphaned. And you, especially you, Alice, should know that it is not okay to keep things to yourselves. What you know makes you responsible. It makes you responsible for this." Dad says and he pulls of the shied of the body.

"What do you want us to tell you?" Allison asks as I stare at the body.

"Anything you know. Anything that can lead us to answering the one question that might mean everything. Who controls the Kanima?" Dad says harsh.

I'm laying in the bed still in the hospital after telling dad everything with Allison. "You okay?" Isaac asks in the doorway.

I look at him from the window and smile softly. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say sitting up a little.

He walk over to the bed and sits across from my as I fold my legs. "I'm three months next week." I smile.

He nods smiling and we hold hands. "I think you shouldn't come to the rave." He says.

"I wanna go." I say.

"No. You're not going. Jackson's gonna there. I don't want you anywhere near it." He says.

I sigh and look at our hands. "Fine." I say softly.

He kisses my hand and I look at him. We look at each other and I put my forehead against his. He looks at me and I close my eyes.

"I'll always love you. You know that right?" I whisper eventually.

He frowns but then nods. "I'll always love you too." He whispers back kissing my forehead.

He lays me down in the bed and I close my eyes while he lays against me. He puts his hand on my belly and I smile putting mine over his.

The next day he's gone and I look around for anything of his. I see a note with his handwriting. 'I'm sorry.' It says.

I frown and throw the covers off of me. "What the fuck!" I yell in frustration.

My feet are cuffed the the hospital bed and the emergency button is to far away for me. I sigh and try to get lose but I can't find anything.

I lay down again and wait the whole day and night. I eventually hear howling and know it's Scott and that he's dying. I'm looking out my window when the door opens and Isaac walks in.

I grab my cub and throw it at him. "You fucking asshole! You cuffed me to my bed! You locked me for the whole day! I'm gonna fucking kill you! Asshole!" I yell angry and throwing everything I can at him.

He just takes the hits and looks at me when I'm done. "You done?" He asks as I'm on my knees at the end of the bed heavily breathing.

I grab the thing with water in it and throw it at his head letting out a scream. "Enough!" He yells rubbing his hand.

He walks over to me and I hit him in his face. "Bitch!" He yells grabbing my hands.

"Don't you ever fucking do that again!" I yell in his face.

We look in each other's eyes. "Is Scott okay?" I ask eventually.

"He's fine." He says softly.

"Can you please take me home?" I ask.

He nods and uncuffs me. "How did you get no one to go in here?" I ask.

He opens the door and points at the 'no entering!' sign on the door. I chuckle and he smiles picking up my bags he had already packed.

He takes me home and helps me to my room. He lays me in my bed and leaves. Mom eventually walks in and I look at her. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you." She says.

I smile softly and she lays in my bed. "It's okay." I say.

"How was your day?" She asks.

"Boring. Yours?" I ask.

"It was...eventful." She sighs.

It's quiet for a while and she looks at me. "Even though you're not my biological daughter. I love you with all my heart. And you're my pride and joy." She says smiling.

She closes her eyes and we go to sleep holding hands.

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