Chapter 1

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"Ms. Yuri? Wake up! You'll be late for school!" The maid shouts as she continue to knock on the girl named Yuri.

"Shut up I'm sleeping" Yuri shouts as she cover her self with blanket and continue to sleep.

"Ms. Yuri wak--" the maid was cut off when Mrs. Jo stopped her.

"Let me talk to this girl" Mrs. Jo said as she open Yuri's room with her spare key. Mrs. Jo was surprised seeing how messed the girl's room is.

"Jo Yuri wake up! You'll be late for school!" Mrs. Jo shouts as she remove the blanket that's covering Yuri.

Yuri groaned as she lazily sit up and look at her Mom who's now glaring at her. Mrs. Jo pull Yuri while the latter just lazily follow her Mom.

"Go take a shower now, it's your first day of school so don't make any troubles again" Mrs. Jo said before she push Yuri inside the toilet. Yuri just rolled her eyes before she take a bath.

"Tell the driver to get ready" Mrs. Jo said to the maid before she walks out of Yuri's room.

Yuri finished washing up. She walked downstairs while she fix her necktie. Mrs. Jo who has a phone call just sighed seeing her daughter having a hard time just fixing her necktie.

"Hey you maid! Tie this for me!" Yuri shouts as she sit to eat her breakfast. The maid was about to follow Yuri's order but Mrs. Jo stopped her.

"It's just a necktie and you can't even tie it properly? What are you a child? Act your age" Mrs. Jo said as she also sit to eat. Yuri who heard it just rolled her eyes before she eat.

"When will you grow up? You're about to graduate but it seems like you haven't learned anything from school" Mrs. Jo said that makes Yuri to stop eating as she look to her Mom.

"I'm not a smarty one that you wanted me to be. If you want a smart child then get one" Yuri stands up from her sit and was about to walk out but...

"You are the only heir of everything that the Jo family have so please be responsible" Mrs. Jo said as she continue to eat while Yuri just listen to her Mom before she walks again.

"All you care about is me being the heir of this family"

Yuri thought as she clench her fist and go to the chauffer who will drive her to school.


When Yuri arrived to the school...

"Yah Yuri!" Sakura shouts as she walk towards Yuri who's now walking at the hallway. Yuri just ignored Sakura and continue to walk while also ignoring the people who's fan girl of their gang.

"Good thing you managed to attend to school even your the most drunk last night" Sakura wraps her arms around Yuri's neck. Yuri just slap the latter's hands.

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