Chapter 3

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"Okay that's all for today class" the professor said as it leaves the door.

Yena was picking up her things not until Yiren go to her and demand her to do something again.

"Do this! I want it to be finished tomorrow" Yiren said as she slam her notebook if Yena's desk. Yena just nod and get Yiren's notebook.

"She really can't fight you haha" Sihyeon said to Yiren when the are already outside. Yiren just smirked.

"We are on top when it comes to this things" Yiren said but Goeun suddenly appeared.

"We're still on the second when Yuri's gang is still here" Goeun said that makes the two rolled their eyes to them.

"They're just much richer but no one can beat me when it comes to the people who's obeying me" Yiren said before they go.

Yena was walking at the hallway while she chats Juri and Yujin if the two will be walking with her on the way home. The two answered that they have something to do so Yena just sighed because she will be going home alone.

"I'm alone in the condo now I'm still alone going home"

Yena thought as she types to reply on their group chat.

While she was walking she bumped into someone again that makes her fall to the ground. Yena groaned in pain. She look up to the person who bumped into her and the person looks unfamiliar.

"Stand up" the girl coldly said while Yena just ignore the latter and stand up. Yena stand up and bowed to the she bumped into but the latter call her.

"Yena" the girl said that makes the Yena turn to look at her.

"Your name is Choi Yena right?" The girl coldly said while Yena just nods and was about to walk away.

"I'm on my way home too and we are on same way" The girl said that makes Yena turn to look at her again and raise a brow.

"And... So?" Yena said while the girl just sighed.

"Won't you ask me to walk with you? It's dangerous for someone like me to walk on the way home at this hour" the girl said. Yena just chuckles at the girl before she face the girl.

"Listen here. First, I don't know who you are. Second, you're old enough to walk at home. Third, it's still early and it's safe for you to go home" Yena said that makes the girl gasped because of the word she says.

"So if you wouldn't mind I'll be taking my leave now" Yena was about to go but she turn to look at the girl again.

"Take care who ever you are" Yena smiled to the girl while the latter just stared at Yena.

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