Chapter 6

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Yena woke up and she was shocked seeing that she's already in a room. She look around the room before she go out and was greeted by a woman cooking.

"Good morning! Yena right? Ms. Yuri ask me to cook for you this morning and by the way I'm her most trusted maid, just call me Ms. Park" the woman named Ms. Park said. Yena just smile to the latter as she walk to the table where the food is.

"Thank you for the food Mrs. Park" Yena said that makes Ms. Park smile. Ms. Park bid a goodbye to Yena after she cooked.

After eating Yena looked around the condo that Yuri let her in. It's more than enough for one person. Yena looked around and was amazed by the beautiful and some of it even looks really expensive.

"Wait... What times is it?" Yena mumbled as she look at the clock that's hanging on the wall. Yena was shocked seeing the time, she run fast to the toilet and took a bath quickly.

"I'm late for school gosh, how come weekends ends too fast" Yena said as she quickly wear her uniform and she quickly run exiting the condo and not forgetting to lock it.

"Yah! Why are you in a hurry?" Yuri said as she saw Yena hurrying up. Yena looked behind her and saw Yuri also in her uniform looking calm.

"Yah! I'm almost late!" Yena as she was about to run again but Yuri just burst out of laughing that makes Yena looked at her again.

"Stop laughing and get ready already! I'll go first bye!" Yena said as she run away leaving Yuri behind. Yuri just looked at Yena until the girl dissapeared.

"What did you do again this time Huh?" Ms. Park asked as she exit the condo of Yuri that's just beside of Yena. Yuri just shrugged her shoulders but Ms. Park didn't believe her so Yuri just told her the truth.

"I just changed the time that's hanging on her wall clock but I didn't know she'll get that panic" Yuri laughed while Ms. Park sighed before she pinch Yuri's waist.

"Yah! It hurts" Yuri whined as she scratch her waist where Ms. Park pinched her. Ms. Park just ignore the latter before she head out.

"I'll be leaving now, take care of yourself okay? If you need anything again just call me" Ms. Park said while Yuri just nod in response.

The two were walking at the Hallway of the building when Ms. Park thought about something.

"Why did you let someone stay in your spare condo? Is she your girlfriend?" Ms. Park that makes Yuri turn her head quickly to the woman as she shakes her head.

"She's not my girlfriend. I just helped her" Yuri coldly said. Ms. Park just squinted her eyes as she look at Yuri.

"You and your friends didn't do a stupid bet again right?" Ms. Park looked as Yuri. Yuri just gulped as she fakely cough.

"Yeah... Me and my friends didn't bet anymore" Yuri said. Ms. Park feels that Yuri is lying but she just nods so the latter would think that she's believing her alibi.


While Yena who's runs to go to the school after she take the bus was stopped by her friend juri when she saw Yena running hurriedly.

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