Chapter Twenty-Two

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As emotional as the previous day was, Nicholas seemed to wake the next morning in good spirits.

He told me he was pleased with the progress he made with his father the night before at dinner, and he was looking forward to spending the day with him, talking some more and playing a game or two of chess.

I, too, was in a good mood, as I had a great idea on how I could volunteer my time at the cottages. I didn't want to step on anyone's toes by doing something someone else was already assigned to, so I came up with the idea of using Teddy as a comfort dog.

I remembered how Thomas' eyes lit up when he saw Teddy, so I was hoping maybe Teddy could have the same effect on the other residents as well.

We arrived at the cottages early that morning, Nicholas pulling Ace and the buggy to a stop beside Rose's. Rose was nowhere to be seen, so she must have already started delivering breakfast to the residents.

Before stepping down, Nicholas reached under the buggy's seat, pulling out a chess board and a small bag of chess pieces that he had borrowed from Rose's father. "Are you coming inside first?" he asked me as I hopped down myself, grabbing Teddy after straightening my dress skirts.

"No, I might go find Rose. Let her know I'm here. I'll make my way around to each cottage, so I'll definitely see you later. You go have some alone time with your father," I said, smiling at him.

"All right, I'll see you soon." He leaned in to kiss me briefly on the cheek, then rubbed Teddy under his chin. "Have fun, Teddy."

After he walked away and went inside Thomas' cottage, I was left wondering where Rose was. "What should we do, buddy? Knock on a random door and see if Rose is inside? Or wait for her to come out?" I glanced down at him, tucked under my arm, and he was staring into the distance, tongue dangling out of his mouth. "Well, you're a big help."

I didn't have to wonder for too long when Rose came out of cottage number two carrying a picnic basket.

"Matilda, you're here!" she called out, swinging her basket as she came to me. "Sorry I started without you. I even surprised myself when I got here early." She reached out to pet Teddy on the head. "You brought Teddy? I'm sure my father wouldn't have minded looking after him again."

"Well, actually, I had an idea which I need Teddy for. You don't need my help with the meals, so I thought I could help in my own way. Thomas loved meeting Teddy yesterday, and it gave me the idea of using him as a comfort dog."

"A comfort dog? So he would..."

"Provide comfort and affection for the residents. Studies show that daily interaction with animals can help boost the morale of sick and elderly people. It would also break up the monotony of their day a little. What do you think?"

Rose's hazel eyes widened in excitement. "Matilda, that's such a wonderful idea! I'm sure the residents would love that."

"That's what I thought. So who should I start with?"

"Mrs. Bradshaw in the first cottage has finished her breakfast. And I don't think Edie has arrived yet to do her rounds."

"Perfect. I'll start there. Anything I should know?"

"Yes, actually, there is something." She glanced around before lowering her voice. "She's a little... strange."

I laughed, not quite sure if she was joking or not. "In what way?"

"I mean, she can't help it. She's eighty-two, her mind is deteriorating and she has trouble remembering certain things. But there's certain things she says that... I don't know, maybe I'm just being silly. I'll wait and see what your opinion of her is before I say anymore."

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