Chapter Thirty

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We waited. For hours we waited.

Nicholas and I had kept ourselves busy for a short time, rubbing our rope shackles against the rough stone wall, successfully fraying them enough so we could break free.

Feeling fatigued from hunger and thirst, we huddled on the timber bench, Nicholas' arms around me, my head on his shoulder.

"You can sleep if you like," Nicholas suggested, his voice raspy. They were the first words he'd spoken for a while. In fact, we had both been quiet, not feeling like conversation while being locked in a dark cell with Doyle's lifeless body laying just outside the cell door.

"As exhausted as I am, I don't think I'd be able to. My mind's racing."

"I know what you mean. I can't stop thinking... All Doyle wanted was for my mother to love him back. But she loved my father. That's what started all of this."

"You've got to feel sorry for him in a way. It hurts to love somebody and not have them love you back."

"Love can make you do some crazy things."

"It sure can."

Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of the front door of the police station opening, then closing again. I lifted my head off Nicholas' shoulder to listen.

"Sweet Jesus!" we heard a young, male voice exclaim. "What happened here?"

We were on our feet in an instant, pressing our ears to the cell door. Nicholas thumped on it several times with his fist. "Hello! Let us out!"

"What in the... Nicholas?" the familiar voice asked.

"Robbie? Is that you?"

"Nicholas! Are you all right?"

"Yes. Matilda is in here with me. We're both all right. As you can see, Jack shot Doyle. Can you let us out? The key is on Doyle."

"Oh," was all he said, followed by an uncertain, "All right, then." The tone of his voice sounded like he wasn't keen on the idea of rifling through a dead man's pockets. "Bloody hell," we heard him mumble to himself. "Oh, thank the lord. It's hooked onto his belt. All right, got it."

After the sound of the door unlocking, it swung open, and we were relieved to see a friendly face.

"Boy, are we glad to see you," Nicholas said to Robbie, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. "For the second time today."

"Shame it wasn't on more pleasant terms," he replied. "Matilda, it's good to see you again. I hope you've been well."

I wrapped my arms around him. I had missed my friend. After I had left so suddenly on the night of the charity ball, we didn't get to say goodbye.

"What are you doing here?" Nicholas asked him after Robbie and I pulled away from our embrace. "Did you notify Mr. Valentine of our... situation?"

"Yes, sir. He left for Hobart Town hours ago. He said he was going to fetch Mr. Clarke, then visit the Chief Constable and explain all the trouble you have been having with Constable Doyle. If anyone can get this sorted out, it's Mr. Valentine."

"No doubt about it, Robbie." Nicholas glanced down at Doyle's body. "But I don't think we'll have to worry about him causing us any more trouble."

"What about the man who had you two tied up and murdered Constable Doyle? Should you worry about him?"

Nicholas shook his head. "I don't believe he is any threat to us, no."

"Mr. Valentine told me not to come back here on my own, that it could be dangerous. But I needed to make sure you two were all right. I wanted to tell you that help was on its way."

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