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Hi all, Ashley here. I cannot believe we just hit 50K Reads! This is so exciting it makes me want to write a sequel...

But, I kind of got a problem with that right now.

Trust me, I do want a sequel for Katie and Levi's love story, as I want a sequel for my other story Summer Flash, but I am going through something right now, and ever since 2019 when my grandpa died I have had major trouble with my writing. It's like I cannot write a single sentence without worrying if it's good enough, or if it's just horrible.

And that is because of the mental health disorder I got that nobody will diagnose.

See, that has a lot to do with why I cannot write right now, the medications aren't working for me. We have tried everything from Zoloft to Vraylar (Depression, hearing voices, and emotional are the top three things we are having trouble with) 

I have been going through this since I was fifteen, it is why I started writing. Writing gave me a way to relax.  But since 2019 and my life went downhill, I haven't been able to write. Luckily the story you just read was written beforehand. I write some of my books before I post them on here. 

I have started cosplaying as a hobby my counselor suggested. And I love it! Cosplaying Harley Quinn is awesome, and I am about to cosplay one of my favorite dolls from childhood - although it might be a while before I post that seeing as I got to do the body paint and I haven't done that before, yikes!

So, in conclusion. Who knows when we will see the perfect ending for Levi and Katie? If I did write a sequel what would you guys want to read in it? Heath finally growing up? Ha-ha. Like that would happen, we all love Heath's doofy-ness.

Comment below if you would love a sequel or not, and if you are going through the same thing never be afraid to pm me! I love to talk. - Ashie.

 - Ashie

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