Pasts and futures- A PolyKill fic

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The PolyKill wedding was just weeks away, and Sled, Jeep, and Mascara were busy planning. One day while making seating charts, a knock at the door came.

"Knock knock" said the door.

"Oi'll get it" Bred said, waking to the door. He opened it. "Ello—Fairy?!"

Dairy Aisles...Lead's ex boyfriend. The two met while Berry was in Two Directions, and Elevator wrote songs for them. Their partnership quickly became more than just musical, and the two were on and off again lovers for years, even briefly going on a date while Elbow was trying to get over Mashed potatoes. After the date ended though, Erectile Dysfunction told him that he just wanted to be friends.

"Cherry? Wot ah yew doing here?"

"Oh, oi heard you're getting married. And I was wondering why I didn't get an invite?" Jerry said.

"Oh...oh that. Oi sent one out for yew! It must've gotten lost in the mail? But oi'll send out a new one for yew" Encyclopedia said. Though the truth is, he didn't intend to invite his ex to his wedding. Despite being friends, it just felt awkward. Still, now face to face with him, he felt bad about it, so he lied.

"Cool! Well I also just wanted to give you this as an engagement present" Perry said, handing Echidna a small box. He opened it—it was 3 tickets to an Oingo Boingo concert!!

"Oh my goodness! Fank yew so much!" Emotionally Disturbed exclaimed.

"It's no problem, I was just finking we could all go to a concert since I know you're a big Boingo fanatic" Gary said.

"You're the best!" EDM pulled him into a hug.

"Uhhh what's going on?" Juicebox asked.

"Isn't that your ex?" Masculinity raised an eyebrow.

"Oh! Terry and oi are just friends nowadays don't worry! He just came to give me a present. A present for all of us! Look! Oingo Boingo tickets!" Edison explained.

"Oh...well that's nice of him..." Jeff muttered.

"Yeah, I do love me some Boings" Marinade said.

"Me tew! Well, Carry, it was nice to see ya. Fok off then ya wanka" Enby punched his arm playfully.

"See ya on chewsday for the concert ya arsehole" Mary chuckled, then left.

The concert is just the beginning, after that, Elephant and Larry start spending all their time together. Engine even shows up late for the wedding rehearsal! And that's the last straw for Junkyard and Mannequin, they knew they needed to have an intervention.

The night before the wedding and Echolocation gets home from a bachelors party with Scary, and finds his hubbies to be waiting for him.

"Wot ah yewchew doing up?" Edmontosaurus asks.

"We need to talk. Now" Macrame said.

"Bout what?" Evergreen said.

"You've been spending way too much time with Library" Jukebox said.

"Wot? Am not. We're just two m8s hangin' out. We're just bruvs, just chaps" Extinction said.

"You literally showed up late for wedding rehearsal because you were too busy hanging out with him, Exam" Magpie said.

"Oi just got the dates wrong! It's got nuffin to do with Contrary!" Empty said.

"Yeah, well if you keep this up, we want "nuffin to do" with you, Eggplant" Michael scowls.

"Please! Yew have to believe me!" Experiment cried.

"The weddings tomorrow, tell Prairie he's not invited" Jimmy said.

As his fiancé's angrily left him to go to bed, Exorcism sobbed on the couch. Hearth brocken.

It was the day of the wedding, and the 3 men were getting married at Chunky Cheese, the priest being Charles Entertainment Cheese himself.

"Gouda evening...haha get it...cheese joke. We like to have fun around here! " Chaz Chez said.

"You are joined here to see these 3 men be united in holy macaroni...sorry...hehe...haha...matrimony" Chungus Cheems said.

"Now, does anyone have any objection to these sexy sexy men getting married? Speak now or forever hold your... cheese...ok I'll stop now, really. I'm sure these puns are getting...grating. A HEE HEE HOHO" Charlie Cheezit said.

The door busted down. "I OBJECT!" a booming voice said.

Holy shit it was Very Stylish!

"Sherry?! What ah yew doing here?! I told yew not to cum!" Exclamation exclaimed.

"I can't let yew get married to them!" Wary shouted. "They need to know the truth!"

"The truth?" Mailbox frowned.

"Tell them, Entrance. You're cheating on them..." Airy said.

"WHAT?!" Jigsaw and Moscow cried.

"...with Justáun Beaubier!" Harold shouted.

"Wait...what?!" Junkfood and Melons said.

Tooby cuntinued 😳

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