The incident- a polykill fic

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"It was just one kiss! That was all! It was at the bachelor party! Oi was drunk! Oi've been consumed with guilt ever since! It will never happen again!" Explorer cried.

"You should have just told us" Jupiter frowned.

"Our trust of you is irreconcilably broken" Manatee said.

Since that day Exercise sleeps on the couch, crying himself to sleep every night. But he has hope still. Despite the hurt he has brought Jet skis and Mansion, they're still willing to try and save this relationship by going to couples therapy.

They go to therapy 10 times a week, sometimes the therapist takes them all at once, but sometimes one on one. Today Mandolin was having a session alown. The cuples therapyst was Chonky Choose.

"Thank you for having me today, Dr. Cheese. I'm sorry if I and my husbands have been a lot for you" Mammoth said.

"Oh please, I've dealt with worse. Shaun Mendesiring and Camilla Capybara are my patients" Chad Cheddar said. "Now tell me, Mustard, you incredibly attractive man, what is your greatest fear in a relationship? Mine is marrying someone who doesn't love cheese."

Mothballs life flanches before his I's.

The incident...

"Get up Mackymoo! We're gonna be late for going to the park with Dmitri "Misha" Collins, my best friend and co star on supernatural!" Jeggings said, shaking Markiplier violently.

"Oh shit we gotta go!" Mantaray said.

~at le park~

"Omgizzles it's so good to see you, Junkook, my best friend and supernatural co star, and Mouthwash, my best friend and and supernatural co star's husband!" Mishap said.

Mississippi goes to shake Maryland's hand and POOF! Suddenly Miscellaneous is a cat!

"Mark! He's a cat! What did you do!" Jimin said.

"I'm so sorry! It's my powers! They must have been triggered! I can fix it!" Mustache said.

"Meow!!! Hey, hey, don't fight! I'm sure it'll wear off! I can still talk!" Meep said.

"See? Let's not panic" Marigold said.

"Sigh. Fine" Jump rope said.

The friends make the best of the situation and enjoy a good day at the park.

That is...until a kid's kite gets stuck in a tree.

"Hey! I'm a cat! I can climb trees now! I'll get it!" Mitski said.

Minivan climbs up the tree and onto the branch.

"Just...gotta...get it...I got it! Now...h-how do I get down?" Missile said. "UHHH. I THINK IM STUCK!"


"RELAX! WE CAN GET HIM DOWN!" Magnetic said.

"HOW? THE ONLY WAY WE COULD POSSIBLY DO THAT have to do it" John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt His name is my name too When ever we go out The people always shout There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt said.

"I have do to what?" Mason Jar asked.

"You have to use your magic" Jwensen instructs.

"My magic is what got us into this mess!" Muskrat cried.

"We have no choice! This is the only way!" Jingle said.

"I...okay...I'll do it" Mark said. And he focused all his power on Meerkat, levitating him into the air, with the plans to safely place him back on the ground. However, fear must have been clouding his magic, because he doesn't land back on the least, not how Motorboat planned.

"WHERE DID HE GO??!" Jackson cried.

The lovers run over in panic to see where the cat went but all that was in his place was...a rock.

"NO!!!!!" Jerbil sobbed, clutching the rock of what used to be his best friend and co-star on supernatural. "WHAT KIND OF WORLD DOES THIS?! WHO DOES THIS?! DO SOMETHING! THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING YOU CAN DO!! HE'S MY BEST FRIEND AND CO-STAR ON SUPERNATURAL!!"

Mermaid focused all his energy on the poor, lifeless rock, but to no avail. His powers burnt out everytime. "I CAN'T DO IT!"

~Present day~

"I...I couldn't do it" Matpat sobbed.

"Awww...don't Feta..." Mike Mozzarella said. Madagascar shot him a look. "Too soon?"

Mocha continued to cry cutely. "Jekyll made me sleep on the couch for a month. He didn't leave his room. He didn't talk to me. I...thought we were done...and the guilt...the eats away at me still to this day."

"What ever became of Meat Cauldron? The news said he was dead" Ned Nachocheese asked.

"He's not dead...he's just...not alive he...he's still a rock. He lives with us, and will until we somehow figure out how to turn him back. We don't call him his actual name because it makes it...too real what happened..." Margaritaville sighed. "W-we...

...we call him Rocky."

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