He's the tear in my heart- An Eminem, Weird Al, and Tyler Joseph Fic

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PolyKill returned home from their luxurious trip to everyone's favorite state, New Jersey. It was a beautiful trip, and they were going to miss the pollution and sorrow that clings to the air, but it was good to be home. And they were feeling more in love than ever. Everything was perfect.

But unfortunately, not everyone in the jackleverse was having a good time...

Mominem and Offputting Alessia were navigating this new post-cheating situation. They weren't together anymore, but they still lived under the same roof and co-parented. They were making it work, and were making the best of things. That was, until Eldritch Allie told Mominem he wanted to start dating again.

Mominem didn't know how to feel. He knew that he screwed things up, and he knew Curious Alena deserved better, so who was he to stop him from finding that? And he had come to accept their fate as just friends, but it was easier to accept when they were both single. Now that his ex-lover was going out with other people, the reality hit him, and he felt jealous.

He felt angry at himself for it, knowing he had no right to be, but that didn't stop it from hurting. He loves Freaky Alice, and he always will. He doesn't think he can ever stop loving him. And he doesn't know why he did what he did with Misha. It was just a kiss. It didn't mean anything to him. They were both upset and it just...happened. He's never regretted anything more in his life, not even saying slurs. He'd say a thousand slurs if it meant he could get Hesitant Alien back in his arms.

But they'd been on and off for so long now, Ordinary Al had given him so many chances and he kept messing them up. So it was no use trying to get him back. He had to accept this reality.

Weird Alphabet had been encouraging him to see new people too, so he decided to download Grindr again. He wasn't sure the hole in his heart could ever be filled by anyone else, but for now, he could at least find someone to fill the hole in his—

One lonely evening, Mominem was taking a shit sadly and scrolling his phone, self-deprecating while defecating. He was looking at his formerly betrothed's Instagram. He was so happy lately...so much happier without him. Maybe...maybe the whole world would be happier without him...

Suddenly, was snapped out of his depressing thoughts by a Grindr notif.

Golly gee! A match!

He tapped the notif and took a gander at who it was.

Scrungly bungle! It was Typhoid Joebiden!!!

Mominem was shocked. Mostly because, the two of them were so similar, being pathetic white boy rappers and all, this connection seemed so obvious. But getting with Tycoon never crossed his mind before now. But maybe this could be something good.

"What the fricc is up fren |-/" Tyrant texted him.

"Yoyoyo, what's up Tyjo" Mominem replied.

"Not much, just playing my heccin pupper ukulele" Tyke said.

"Ayo, what a pupper ukulele is, I don't know" Mominem said.

"Oh, I called it that because it's smol, fren" Tyrannosaurus said.

"Oh, well wicky wicky wol my peanus is smol, but I make up for it, with the size up my balls. Word" Mominem said.

"Do your balls smell? 🥺" Tired asked.

Mominem giggled cutely. He's so straightforward, which Mominem likes in a lad.

"Ayo, ayo, wouldn't you like to know? I know you do, so I have an offer for you. I'll take you out for a nice hot dinner, chicken winner, alotta people don't know this, but I'm a bit of a kinner. We can go to Olive Garden, then we can go back to your place, and you can explore my garden. I'm so excited to meet you that I'm shittin and fartin. What night works for you? I can do Friday, but Saturday works too. Bippity boppity boo. Yuh" Mominem replied.

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