Jopping 3 year anniversary special! How Jensen and Macklemore met!!!

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Octobuary....many years ago....

"Hello it's me, Adam Sandler, and welcome to the first ever jumping and popping (jopping) class, hosted by me, Adam Sandler" Adam Sandler said.

"I'm so nervous" Jenjen thought to heem self.

"Ok everyone, for this first class, I want you to pick a partner to do these Jopping exercises with you" Atom Sandal said.

Everyone got in pairs, except for Jenken, who just stood there like a lost, frightened little mouse.

"Hey" a sexy voice said.

Jenlen looked up and saw the most beautiful man he'd ever seen in his life.

"Hey, I'm MackleMortgage. You wanna partner up?" the man introduced himself.

"Y-yeah" Jenmen stammered shyly.

"You seem nervous. Don't be. You're gonna do great. Just follow my lead" MackleMorals winked and held out his hand.

Jennen took his hand, and was overwhelmed by how soft it was, and how well it fit with his. It felt like he'd just taken the hand of fate. Little did he know, he had.

Together they jopped together. MackleMorsel was a much better jopper, Jenoen kept stumbling.

At one point they bumped into each other, and Jenpen almost tripped and falled!! But MackleMorose caught him, and just held him for a moment. They stared into each other eyes, and their faces started to lean closer and...

"Alright, that concludes our class for today. Great work today everyone, you'll all be master joppers in no time" A damn Sandcastle said.

They quickly pulled apart.

After class, they walked to their cars together.

"Um, this is my number by the way, if you even care" MackleMorose said, making a piece of paper with his number written on it appear out of thin air.

"Woah, holy poop how did you do that?!" Jenqen gasped.

"I'm magic" MackleMordetwi replied.

"Real shit?" Jenren asked.

"Yes. And I have one more magic trick to show you" MackleMorbid said.

"Oh worm?" Jensen said.

"Yes," MackleMuseum said, and then he leaned in. "Can I kiss you?"

"Y-yes" Jenten replied. And then MackleMountain gave him a big smooch.

"Teehee" Jenuen giggled and blushed cutely.

"Call me" MackleMagician said with a wink, then with a snap of his fingers, he disappeared.

"Wait you left your car—aaand he's gone" Jenven said.

And that was just the beginning of the most beautiful love story ever told.

Joppy Anniversary. 

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