Into the jacklesverse

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PolyKill hurriedly teleported to Mominem and Extraordinary Alexia's residence. But only one of the two were there.

"What happened?" MackleMystery asked.

"H-he...he..." Unfamiliar Alana stammered through sobs. He held up the book to get his point across.

"HE UNALIVED HIMSELF???" Jelsen squeaked. Foolish Alaric sobbed even more violently.

"Wait, let me see that," Eddie said, taking the book. "Ah, this spell. Oi'm familiar with it. See, there's a loophole tew it, he may be gone from this uni-verse, but not all uni-verses. He's just been placed in a new one."

"Wait, really?! So how do we get him back?!?!" Weird Alabama gasped.

"Why, intergalactic travel of course! We must travel the multiverse until we find the uni-verse in which he resides" Ed (Exploration Dude) said.

"How do we do that?!" Jemsen asked.

"Aww, yew magic virgin. We have tew giga-teleport" Ed-venturer said.

"Giga—huh?" Jensen asked confusededly.

"Don't worry, pookiebear, we'll teach yew. Aww, our first giga-teleport as a married couple!" Ed (Ehehehehehehehehe. D) said.

"I—okay" Jeosen replied.

~~~~Universe 1~~~~

"How will we locate him?" Weird Alps asked.

"Oi will use moi magic senses of course!" Dement-Ed said. "Hmm, according tew moi magic senses, Mominem is not in this uni-verse. So we will have tew pass threw."

"Alrighty then, let's teleport to the next one" Jepsen said.

Suddenly, they were stopped.


"Who goes there?"

"Mon Dieu!"

"Wait a second you're..."

"Me?" Confus-Ed asked.

"Oui oui baguette, why do you have my face?" the other Ed asked.

"Why ah yew French?" Disgust-Ed asked.

"Because it's zee only sing more evil zan being breetish" De (Ed backwards) replied.

"So you're like, the evil versions of us?" Jeqsen asked.

"More like you're the wimpy losers versions of us" Nesnej (Jensen backwards) replied.

"Don't you talk to my husbands and my dear friend Weird Almond like that!" Mackle'sMurderousrage said.

"We speak how we want to. You're the ones intruding on our  territory" EromElckam (Macklemore backwards) said.

"Well, we were just about to be leaving" Weird Alligator said.

"Ah ah ah, not so fast" Normal La (Weird Al but backwards/evil) said.

"Since you've decided to trespass in our world, we aren't gonna let you leave without a fight" Nesnej said.

"Those damned bastards have dulled our powers!" Flabbergast-Ed cried.

"That's so unfair! How are we supposed to have a fair fight if you have all the power?" MaximumMore said.

"Because we are evil, dúmmy. We're not here to play fair, we're here to play evil" De said, shooting a powerful blast of magic at them.

Luckily for them, jopping lessons teach you a few things about agility. They jumped and popped away from every blast. Except for Weird Ally (talk Valentina), who doesn't know how to jop. He was knocked down.

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