Chapter 2

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The sunlight beams through the window and Wonyoung squints her eyes and shuts them close as tight as possible, not wanting to wake up. She hasn't had a good night's sleep in a long time. It's not until she rolls over to her side and knocks her head on the hard edge of a nightstand (maybe) does she realize she doesn't know where she is. Rubbing her head, she sits up and takes in the new environment. Finding herself in a small bedroom with cool blue walls should be weird but it's not. There's a set of neatly folded clothes on the chair by the vanity table. Wonyoung gets up and checks herself in the mirror. She's still in her coat and her makeup is a bit smudged but other than that, she feels completely well rested. Her hair's a mess but that's one of her charms. Wonyoung tidies it up anyway and puts it over to her right side.

There's a box of business cards on the table with her customer's name and position on it. An Yujin, Junior Associate. Right. She was with Yujin. It's six in the morning when Wonyoung checks her phone. She broke the rules about sleeping over. If she gets back to the massage parlor before seven, Madame Hyerim wouldn't find out about it and she'll be fine, she guesses. She should leave soon. Wonyoung picks up one of the business cards and keeps it in her pocket. For future reference.

A photograph is tucked in between the mirror and the wooden frame. It's of Yujin with her parents and her brother, Wonyoung assumes, in some woodsy place. A hiking trip perhaps? Her smile is so bright and wide that it reaches up to her eyes. Wonyoung traces the edges of the photo with her fingertips with a smile. The girl looks adorable there. Must've been taken from a few years back.

It's a Saturday morning so Yujin's probably at home. Wonyoung takes one more look at her room. There's an adorable set of stuffed animals on the little sofa (that doesn't have enough sitting space for a human person because of said toys) next to her bed - a large dog, a giraffe, a cow, among others. It's not unnormal to have these things, right? Wonyoung doesn't keep things of sentimental value in her room above the massage parlor. She brushes her hand over the soft furry material of the toys before leaving the room.

It's a seemingly familiar sight to have Yujin's back against her while she faces the stove. She's dressed in a comfortable pink sweater and gray jogging pants. Wonyoung feels somewhat confident that Yujin did nothing to her while she was asleep. She touches her stomach. All her internal organs are still intact. She even has her lingerie on (admittedly a bit disappointed). Even if Yujin did drug Wonyoung's coffee, it was a damn good drug. She'd never felt so at peace before. Not in a long time at least.

"Hey," Wonyoung greets, "did you carry me to the bed or something?" she notices a messy blanket on the couch and an extra pillow that wasn't there last night, "And did you sleep on the couch?"

"You were half awake when I told you to sleep on the bed. I think you kind of sleepwalked your way," Yujin says, "and yes, I slept on the couch. It's fine though. My feet don't dangle off the edge much anyway," she returns her focus on the dish she was preparing. Yujin seems to have her life together. Why does she need Wonyoung though? And not even do anything to her? Yujin frowns when she notices Wonyoung's still dressed in her coat, "You didn't change into the clothes I set out for you. Did you not like them?"

"Oh, I didn't know they were for me. You should've undressed me last night then," Wonyoung teases, "I'd have put something else on this morning."

"Your clothes must be stinky now," Yujin ignores her comments and puts the fried rice in two small bowls and smiles at Wonyoung, "Here, you can have breakfast if you want."

If you want.

Why does she keep saying things like that? What does it matter what Wonyoung wants? She watches Yujin as she places the two bowls on the small dining table with two fried eggs on a small plate in the middle, sitting down to start her meal. She raises her chopsticks up but stops, looking back at Wonyoung, probably wondering why she's just dumbly standing still.

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