Chapter 10

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"Is she okay though?"

Yujin asks while she balances her phone between her shoulder and her cheek. She could've used earphones but those things are lost somewhere in her bag and she was in a rush to get things done when Madame Hyerim called. Apparently, Wonyoung has been struck with a bad case of "violent diarrhea" for the past couple of days and Yujin thought she would cancel their "session" this week. But she claimed she was starting to feel better and would meet Yujin.

"Yeah, but go easy on her. No weird butt stuff," Madame Hyerim laughs on the other line.

"I'm not-- I don't do--" Yujin's cheeks flare up as she hisses into the phone, nearly dropping the folders tucked in her arms before making a quick turn and hiding in the archive room where only the files could hear their conversation, "We don't do anything."

"Yeah, okay," Madame Hyerim is still laughing. What is so funny? They literally do nothing.

Yujin's glad Wonyoung is feeling better though. She has been looking forward to meeting her again. She'd prepared a gift for her, a sort of advanced congratulatory gift for getting that job or internship she was talking about. An assortment of colorful office supplies packed neatly in a box.

But maybe Wonyoung would appreciate a nice warm meal to fill her stomach since she'd been... expelling things... violently . Yujin doesn't know the cure or treatment for violent diarrhea though. Wouldn't it depend on the cause? Food poisoning? Amoebiasis? Are those the same thing? She shrugs.

There's a restaurant across her apartment that sells traditional Korean dishes so Yujin thought a nice "home-cooked" meal would probably do Wonyoung good.

The ajumma is in the kitchen when Yujin walks into the restaurant. She's whipping something up in her huge wok, the fire heating the whole place up. She waves at Yujin and tells her to take a seat before turning the stove off and walking over to her.

"What can I get you?" she asks with her back hunched and a smile so genuine.

"What do you recommend if someone has a stomach ache?" Yujin smiles, looking through the menu.

"Some samgyetang would be good!" she says, putting her hand on Yujin's forehead, "Are you feeling unwell, dear? I'll put more ginseng in it."

"It's for a friend."

When she goes back home with the soup in hand, she hopes it doesn't make Wonyoung's insides churn uncomfortably. It smells good though.

Wonyoung arrives but she doesn't look sick per se. Not like she'd been flushing the toilet non-stop for days at least. Her skin is still as fair as ever and her cheeks are full of color. It couldn't possibly be just the make up. She does look tired, sad . A bit... disheartened. And maybe the samgyetang won't hurt her stomach but she doesn't think it'll make her feel better either.

And Yujin has never been really good at consoling another human being. Patting their heads and cooing over them can only do so much good. Dogs are easier. The only defense mechanism Yujin can offer is... a distraction.

"The ajumma was really nice about it when I told her you were sick. She threw in a little extra ginseng. I don't know if you'd like it, but I guess it's healthy."

Wonyoung doesn't say anything, doesn't take her shoes off and just walks over to her, dropping her forehead on Yujin's shoulder. Wonyoung's arms naturally find themselves around Yujin's waist. And it's unlike any of the other times she has tried to touch Yujin. Her hands seek comfort and warmth and Yujin can only hope she's giving Wonyoung those things.

"Thank you."

Yujin holds her breath, scared that any sudden movements would stop this, would make Wonyoung pull herself away.

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