Chapter 6

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Liz was wrong though. She shouldn't worry about Wonyoung having a creepy obsessive, possessive customer-turned-stalker. Because it should be Yujin who needs to worry about Wonyoung becoming the creepy obsessive, possessive stalker. This definitely wasn't her idea of how she would spend her night off – standing outside Daega Food Corp. in a suspiciously oversized black hoodie and a similarly suspicious black face mask.

She wonders what time Yujin gets off work. It's Wednesday and it's already eight in the evening. Shouldn't she at least go out for dinner?

Wonyoung sighs to herself and sits down on the edge of a plant box nearby. Since meeting her, Wonyoung has been doing a number of questionable things – accepting a customer who lets her do nothing, spending numerous nights in a customer's home getting a peaceful and restful sleep, baking a cake without prior knowledge of baking or cooking, and attempting to lift a grown woman off the couch to carry her to bed. And now, stalking said grown woman as she exits her office to go do whatever it is she has planned for the night. And for what? What is Wonyoung trying to achieve?

It all started with these general wonderments, really, about whether Yujin was telling the truth about her life and Wonyoung's general distrust for anything more-or-less strangers tell her. Because even though Yujin has become this growing presence in her life and has proven to be quite the harmless little angel, Wonyoung can't seem to shake off the unease. Or at least that's what she tells herself. But somewhere in the chasms of her heart she knows that's not the reason. And as much as she likes to deny it, Wonyoung just wants a reason not to like this girl.

Somehow, she thinks some part of this is untrue. All her stories. All her niceties. And maybe whatever is true will reveal itself and all these dumb fluffy feelings, threatening to spill over will go away. Whatever that truth may be. Ugly or not.

A flock of corporate slaves exit the building, chatting and separating as they reach the sidewalk, bidding their goodbyes as they head home or wherever else. One of them is Yujin, who walks off alone once she reaches the corner when her colleague crosses the street. Wonyoung treads lightly a few feet away from her. There are still a lot of people walking about in the city, so it's fairly easy for Wonyoung to blend in. It's also fairly easy for Yujin to blend in with her black blazer and a pencil skirt. She just looks like everyone else heading home from the office.

Wonyoung has been following her for a few minutes now and wonders where the hell this girl is going because she's definitely not on her way home. Wonyoung has been there enough times to know how to get there from any subway line. Yujin turns left into a small back alley and Wonyoung is dumb enough to follow. Again, questionable things.

But when Wonyoung enters the tiny space between two buildings, Yujin is nowhere to be found. It's a dead end and the only things surrounding her are some dumpsters and haphazardly placed trash bags. Maybe she's just lost her mind, Wonyoung thinks. She should leave. This is crazy enough as it is. Never would she have thought she'd find herself in a relentless chase stalking her customer. She turns on her heel but her body is roughly pushed against the grainy wall, and her own arm is twisted behind her, rendering her completely immobile, stunned and dumbfounded. The attacker takes Wonyoung's other arm and presses it against the wall. Madame Hyerim taught her and the girls a thing or two about how to handle situations like this. But in the moment, one really cannot remember how to go about escaping a kidnapping.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" Yujin hisses behind her.

Good God.

"Yujin, it's me! Wonyoung!" she taps the wall incessantly until she releases her.

"What are you doing?" Yujin asks, almost angrily as she lets her go.

"Nothing," Wonyoung clears her throat and takes off her face mask, "Where did you learn to do that?"

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