Chapter 14

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Most people would be biting off their fingernails while nervously waiting for the results of a major examination that would more or less determine the trajectory of their lives. Yujin is no exception. But she doesn't show it. Stoic expression and all. She's not pacing around the office waiting for the news. Heck, Rei is worse. She's the one drinking her second cup of coffee at ten in the morning because she claims it would calm her nerves. Minju, on the other hand, is outspokenly confident that Yujin has passed the bar exams. Yujin wishes she could be a bit more like Minju.

Amidst drowning in their swirling pool of anxiety, Ningning passes by the trio and calls Yujin to her office for a "quick discussion". The manager stares out the window, glassy eyes reflecting the foggy cityscape in front of her. It's a little dramatic, Yujin must admit. She pulls out an envelope from her blazer pocket and hands it to Yujin.

It's a resignation letter.

"Yujin," she starts, "I thought I should tell you. I'm resigning from my position here in the company."

She tilts her head in complete confusion. Why is Ningning telling her this? Her manager turns to her with a humble smile.

"Do you... want me to take your place?"

"What? No," Ningning chokes out a laugh she didn't intend to release, "No jokes. I'm trying to be serious here."

But Yujin wasn't even joking!

"I have you to thank though. I've been keeping an eye on you. I've seen you grow and I know how hard you work. When I asked you why you decided to take up law all those years ago, you told me you wanted to do the right thing. And it really made me think, maybe being in this company is no longer the right thing for me...

"Remember when you came forward about some of the men in our office? I kept thinking about that. I felt like I handled the situation poorly," she sighs heavily, "I hope I didn't let you down."

"No, I understood your point."

"Still, I could've said something else to you, something perhaps a bit more inspirational or, at least, something less cynical," she snorts, crossing her arms, "But, anyway, that's one of the reasons I wanted to leave this company. There's a lot of reasons, of course, but I thought I should let you know it was something that never really left my mind."

"Like an embarrassing moment that makes you cringe right before you go to sleep?"

"You're hilarious, Yujin!" Ningning breaks into laughter again . Yujin cannot begin to comprehend how her seriousness could be interpreted as humor . Once she has calmed down, Ningning continues with her announcement, "I called you here because I wanted to tell you that  I've signed into partnership in a law firm with some of my colleagues from law school. They handle cases related to human rights, among other things. They wanted to create a team that would specialize in cases involving the protection of women's rights as well. Seeing as how you seem to have a heart for that matter, I wanted to recruit you. That is, if you're interested."

"I haven't even received my bar exam results yet," Yujin chuckles nervously, loosening the collar of her top.

"I'm sure you passed," she laughs, "I've already told Rei and Minju. They seem interested in joining. Let me know, alright?"

The two haven't mentioned it to her. Maybe that's why Rei's so nervous. And Minju is so excited about the results. Maybe they're waiting on the results so they can all celebrate together.

Yujin nods and tells Ningning she'll think about it. Though to be honest, Yujin hasn't exactly thought much about where she was headed after the bar exam results, whether or not she would pass. Law school in combination with a full time job kind of takes up a lot of her time. She hasn't really looked into openings in law firms or government jobs.

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