Chapter 7

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Finals is rolling in and Wonyoung and Liz are buried in their books studying for their exams. Thankfully, Madame  Hyerim  gave them some time off. This is crucial for them both! They'll be graduating soon, and this is almost a make-or-break deal for them. Well, not really. Their grades are good enough that even if they fail these final exams, they'd still have a decent average. But why fail purposefully? 

Wonyoung leaves the exam room together with everyone else. They compare answers and groan at their mistakes. Someone starts wailing when another mentioned there were still questions at the back page. Good luck. 

"We're going to the library, Wonyoung," Yuna says when Wonyoung was rummaging through her bag. 

Where is that book? 

"Oh, sure. I'll catch up," Wonyoung must have left it in the classroom. Once all the students and the exam proctor have cleared the room, Wonyoung goes in and returns to her seat to search for her book. But it's not there either. It's probably at the massage parlor. And she was hoping to have a study session with her friends. Guess she'll have to settle with the dim lights of her room with Liz, where they're going to argue about who gets to use the study desk. 

It's nearly noon time so it's not unbearably dark. Daylight has always been Wonyoung's estranged friend anyway. It'd be nice to be reacquainted. She goes to the back door of the classroom to leave but someone on the other side turns the knob at the same time and she nearly jumps at the unexpected force. But what makes her jump more is the person behind the door. Yujin. With the glaring light reflected light from the horrid walls of the architecture building behind her. Nearly blinding Wonyoung. But,  God , she looks as radiant as the sun itself. 

She smiles and takes out a book from her purse. Oh. Wonyoung must have left it in her apartment. She doesn't quite recall ever taking it out or studying there. Is she really just  that  absent-minded?  

"What are you doing here?" Wonyoung pulls her in and closes the door, so no one sees them together. While not exactly like their previous unexpected encounter with meeting a  familiar  face, it's still weird to see  Yujin  out in the open, invading another part of her life that she had kept away from the girl. This is probably how  Yujin  felt when that officemate of hers passed them by if she noticed him.  

But Wonyoung forgets that for a moment. 

"Returning your book,"  Yujin  hands it to her, "You left it the last time you were at my place." 

"Why did you come here? How long is your lunch break? You're going to be late when you get back to work and someone's going to yell at you! I could've gone to your office or at your apartment to pick it up. Why didn't you just tell Madame Hyerim and waste your time coming over here? How'd you even find me?" She fusses and checks the time on her phone. 

"You have a lot of questions again. I have an hour and a half which is more than enough time to leave the office and go back before anyone notices. I asked Madame Hyerim where your class was and your classmates outside helped me," she says in a single breath, "I came here because I wanted to return your book. Can we have lunch now?" 


"Well, I'm here now. Might as well have lunch with you here,"  Yujin  turns around to leave. Why does she say things so casually? Wonyoung blocks the door. 

"You should get back to work," Wonyoung frowns. 

"I will," she reaches for the doorknob, ignoring Wonyoung completely, "after lunch." 

"I have to study." 

"You need to eat,"  Yujin  turns around to look at Wonyoung, frowning at the girl's lack of care for herself.  Yujin  clenches her jaw when Wonyoung stays silent, "You've been avoiding me." 

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