Chapter 5

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"You seem different," Liz notes as Wonyoung gets ready to leave the massage parlor for her regular Friday schedule.

"Different how?" Wonyoung ruffles her hair in front of the mirror of their shared room, completing her signature "effortlessly pretty" look. She puts on her red lipstick, not too bright, not too dark. Just the right color that makes her lips pop against her fair skin in a natural and appealing way.

"I don't know," Liz goes back to reading her book about radiology or something else Wonyoung is unfamiliar with, "Like you seem happier these days."

"I'm always happy," Wonyoung smiles, batting her eyelashes and twirling in her heels whimsically.

"Nuh uh," Liz shakes her head and swats the imaginary pixie dust away from the air between them, "I don't buy into your bubbly personality. I know you better than that."

"You do," Wonyoung closes the cap of the lipstick and smacks her lips together, wiping off any excess off the edges.

"Especially on Fridays. Is she that good?" Liz raises her eyebrow. She should be studying, shouldn't she? Instead of meddling with Wonyoung's affairs. Liz doesn't always meddle. For the most part, Wonyoung tells her everything. Except about Yujin. She's... special. Who knew Madame Hyerim was right about her?

It's just strange. Somehow, the moment she thinks about telling Liz or Madame Hyerim about Yujin, she stops herself. It's not so much about getting caught for not doing her job while on the job. She's afraid of... spilling... everything. The moment the words leave her lips, it becomes true. And Wonyoung isn't sure if she can handle the truth.

"I never kiss and tell," Wonyoung winks and slings her purse over her shoulder, "Don't wait up!"

"I never do!"


Wonyoung doesn't know when it started. There was no warning sign flashing in her head nor blaring sirens blasting against her ears, yelling "Hey, you're falling for this weirdo!" Wonyoung had to figure things out on her own. Very slowly. How many sessions did it take? Wonyoung isn't even sure. In fact, she doesn't even know what Yujin did or has done to make her feel this way. She doesn't even know if Yujin does it on purpose? Is she just so easy to love? Everyone's probably tripping over themselves falling for her too, right? It can't just be Wonyoung. And if it isn't just her, Wonyoung doesn't want to know.

The only thing her brain did was tell her, "Hey, stop that!" Because Yujin's Yujin. She probably treats everyone the same way, right? Nicely. Like a real human being. Maybe that's how normal people act even around not so normal people like her. Wonyoung's just not used to it.

"Hey," Wonyoung says when Yujin opens the door, "Let's go out."

Yujin quirks her eyebrow and pouts. She'd probably just changed into her house clothes and now Wonyoung wants to drag her out on a Friday night where there are possibly so many people out and about. But she complies with an exasperated sigh, "Fine, if that's what you want."

They'd never gone out together now that Wonyoung thinks about it. Except for that trip to the ER. But that was different! They go to a nearby pub. It's relatively quiet except for the sounds of pork sizzling on the grill and the low buzzing sounds of patrons chatting. Wonyoung is reasonably confident she won't run into any of her customers or classmates from uni. Though she's arguably safe from the judgmental eyes of her peers should they meet since Yujin looks like an utmost decent person. Even on a night out, she chose to wear a long skirt and a comfortable blouse that left way too much to Wonyoung's imagination. Meanwhile Wonyoung has on a red halter top and a skintight, black leather skirt. All tucked away underneath her classic trench coat.

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