Chapter 2: The Tyrant

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{3rd POV}(15 years later)
The citizens of the human empire were gathering around the town square, seeing projectors fly towards there, signaling they had an announcement from their emperor, toshinori yagi.

(I forgot to mention, in this au, its like tech mixed with fantasy, so its kingdoms and all that but with futuristic tech)

In the back of the crowd, stood a teen, hidden under a cloak, trying not to be seen by the humans, soon the projectors made a rectangle, casting a projection showing the emperor.

"Citizens of the empire, we have lived in fear of the tyranny of the demon kingdom and cursed elf for to long, even after we rid the 10 kingdoms of the old tyrant, all for one, his heir, tomura shigaraki, has claimed the throne, and the cursed elf, Izuku midoriya, is still alive and spreading even more terror as we speak, but rest assured, we are taking up arms and heading to the forest in 20 days, we will kill the elf and soon, the demon king, but we need soldiers who are willing to risk their lives for the fate of the kingdoms, and for the fate of your families, requirements must be that you are 18 or older, have no major injuries or illnesses, and are human, head to the castle and we will get you sorted, farewell, and I hope all that are able, make the right choice"

'This is bad' the teen thought as he pulled his hood further over his head and turned away, 'I have to report back to Shigaraki, and fast'

*meanwhile in the elf forest*

An elf with green hair and wings, was sitting on a branch of a tree, humming a tune while a baby snake slithered around on his hand, the elf's hums were soon interrupted by the sound of a hawks squawks.

(no not hawks as in the hot cannibal hero, I mean the actual bird hawks, and also animals, demons, and vampires are unaffected by Izu's curse, the demons and vampires because their immortal, the animals because. . .reasons! oh and elves can understand animals)

The elf the stood up on the branch and reached one of his arms out, the hawk landing on it, the hawk kept squawking, telling the elf what he had heard in the human empire.

"20 days huh? . . .maybe they might finally finish the job" the elf replied, earning a few squawks and hisses from the hawk and snake.

"No, let them come, they won't even make it through the barrier. . ."

*in the demon kingdom*

The cloaked teen from before got on a horse and road out of the human empire and towards the demon kingdom, which was lined with a wall of poisonous thorns. (why did that autocorrect to thots😹😹😹😹😹)

Two guards stood in front of the thorns, one of the guards stepped forward and said, "identification" the teen then pulled down his hood, he had yellow hair and eyes, a black lightening bolt streak in his hair, "Denki Kaminari" he said as he held out a small ID chip out to the guard.

The guard took the chip and plugged it into a monitor, it the pulled up a screen which read, "Kaminari, Denki" the guard nodded at the other guard before handing the chip back to kaminari, the guard the pulled lever, a glow forming around an entrance though the thorns, "you may enter" the guard said as kaminari went through the small entrance.

A man sat in a throne made out of what appeared to be bones, the man had blue, almost white hair, blood red eyes, and long black horns on his head, along with a gold wreath crown.

(similar as the one Izu is wearing in the cover, but bigger)

Beside the man was demon with blackish purplish smoke emanating off him, he was holding a scroll and talking to the man who wasn't even listening, bored out of his mind, soon kaminari ran into the room, bowing before speaking, "sire, I have word on the human empire, they plan on attacking the elf you are after in 20 days, and emperor toshinori is working on strengthening his army to attack the demon kingdom"

The king glared before getting up, yelling, "we capture the elf tomorrow!!! I will not let that human get his hands on what is mine" "but king shigaraki, what of the attack?" "We'll deal with that after we have the elf" "Of course your Majesty"

'You will be mine. . .Izuku midoriya'

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