Chapter 1 (A Place To Crash)

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"Everyone is advice to stay in doors! I repeat stay in doors! Although we might not know the origins of this virus but one things for sure is that it is very harmful and dangerous. Please pratice social distancing or just stay home" the news reporter read out live of television and six girls watch with absolute terror. They have never expected this to happen but again it did and they should play their part to keep everyone safe by staying indoors until the virus eventually dies down or when a vaccine be fully discovered.

"Oh my God!" Anna gasped as she brought her hands to cover up her gaping mouth, the others was as shock as her..

"Oh my god is right. That's just really unexpected but we should stay safe and it should be easy right? We can always buy our food and groceries online and have it delivered here" Rapunzel trying to be more understanding and optimistic during hard times like this.

"Yes, then that solves that problem. We just have to get used to staying in door for the whole day, everyday..." Elsa stated causing the other girls to whine or growl. Almost all of them hated the indoors especially Astrid and Merida who both them crave the outdoor activities. Like jogging and hiking.

" that's going to suck! But I guess we have no other choice! Screw this virus!" Astrid said while glaring at the television, Merida as well.

"Yup is probably gonna be a pain in my ass. Worst of all we can't go out clubbing anymore. Was really looking forward to go this weekend but I guess we need to call in a rain check." Merida added defeated, her green eyes down casted by the thought.

"Cheer up guys! Atleast we still got each other and I'm sure we will fine a way to make anything exciting!" Anna tried to lighten the mood and Rapunzel caught that and it was her turn to chip in her hot take.

"Ye guys! We will have loads of fun, with all this new free time, especially since I bet we will all be accustomed to working online from now on. We could watch the movies we never get to watch, the good ones and the bad. We can also have like a group workout. Whatever it is, let's just so it... Together! "

"I suppose your right. Let us not fall into the trap of depression and just try to enjoy it" Elsa also in courage to higher their spirits and all the trio's combined effort seem to have been successful seeing that Astrid and Merida have seem to enlighten by it.

"Movies all night sounds like a blast!" Heather added cheekily and Anna nodded in agreement

"ye, let's not let this pandemic get the best of us. Anyways girls I think we should head to bed, it's getting pretty late..." Astrid said triedly and on que Merida, the redhead yawned rather loudly.

"Astrid right. Well then I'm off!" Merida said before getting up from the couch and made a beeline up the stairs and into her bedroom

"we all should. Good night girls. See you all in the mornings!" Rapunzel too got up and retried to her Chambers and the others also when to their own bedrooms after bidding each other good night.


Astrid was the first to bebup in the morning, in time like this, when the day is warm and cloudy, she could make it a quest to run around the neighbourhood but their in a middle of a pandemic so Astrid must resist the urge. So as of right now, she was in the house Kitchen preparing herself a cup of joe for the day ahead of her and scowling through her feed in Tiktok. Nothing better to do then just having a small amount of dopamine every now and then.

While she was in the middle of watching some cringe worth Tiktok, her phone suddenly froze for a second and her phone started ringing and displaying the caller's ID on her screen. She read the caller ID and smiled when she saw who it was "HHH" was all it written but she easily recognised it without the need of a second look and answered it on the second ring with much enjoyment.

HHH: Hiccup's Harem House Where stories live. Discover now