Chapter 9 (Typical Morning)

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Hiccup growled in discomfort, feeling a common sensation and yet with his current physical and mental state, he just couldn't put a finger to it. He open his bright green orbs he have for eyes to meet the same old ceiling and immediately his eyes show downwards where his member usually rest... or stand in this current case. He let out a moan in pleasure, God's he had just woken up from a-might he add a very nice dream and had the greatest sleep of his life and now. When he opened his eyes, his vision was met with a lump of red hair covering his lower half.

Merida had took the opportunity to... Wake up her new boyfriend with her mouth and in exchange she gets breakfast. She bobbed her head up and down his morning wood which stood tall and mighty that made her impossible to resist. It was hardly her fault, when she entered his room, his friend was displayed fully with no underwear nor covers what so ever, she was saying no to him.

Herny had gotten rather comfortable sleeping naked after always having end up naked every night with his many girlfriends and their night advantures they share in bed in doing so, his stamina had increased and his sex drive it grow more active, afterall it wasn't hard, he wasn't just fucking one girl but multiple different girls. Why does it feels like he had a superior complex now. It didn't go unnoticed that his ego had grown significantly, not to the point where he was an arrogant bastard but he was now rather more confident, henceforth his insecurities have kind off died over night. The girls quite loved their boyfriend's new traits. It was good for them cause he rather experiment his boldness in bed and always delivers and guarantees them a heavenly climax.

Henry's hands reach out to grab a handful of Merida's curly hair and tightens his grip there, though it hurt the redhead but she was nothing but focus on making him come, even if it's kills her. Her pacing quicken gradually and this cause the hard man to moan out her name it such a hot and forbidden way imaginable.

"Fuck... I'm close..." finally he spoke for the first time after waking up from his slumber. Hearing this, the hunter for fun increased her speed once more. Hiccup was kinda sick of the fact he hadn't finished in her mouth yet and decided to help her out by thrusting his hips into her, basically face fucking her. With his length he could feel himself hitting the back of her throat but she didn't at all minded heck, she finds it rather pleasing.

After a glorious minute, Herny finally come into her mouth and hard. He doesn't know how he always have so much load in him but fuck did he not care. Happy to supply his girls with his semen as much as they want.

"Morning by the way" Merida greeted the man who had recently been bare in her mouth. He only laugh at how random and funny it sounded to him. She had just suck him clean and proceeds it like nothing such had happened, oh he loved her so much, love them so much. Their relationships have grown over the weeks and boy did he felt greater then ever before. He was happier and it's understandable known why but he was also happy at the fact that he makes them happy too. To Know that his present here cheered them up eventho the outside world wasn't all sunshine and rainbows at the drier moment. His heart and prayers goes out to the unfortunate, at times he feels guilty for having such a blast here while many are suffering.

Pushing that thought for another day and time, his focus was back to the beautiful redhead who was just kinda staring at him, waiting for him. He looks at her questionly

"aren't you gonna freshen up and get ready for breakfast honey?" She asked in a confuse look, though there wasn't a doubt in her mind that she knew he had zone out earlier.

"right" Hiccup laughed it off getting out of bed and grabbing a towel and wrap it around his waist before he leaves for the bathroom. Sure all the girls had seen him naked but he just had the descency to go out not completely naked as any respectful man should. He entered the bathroom not long after and it seems like someone else was occupying it. They seemingly had stop locking the bathrooms ever since they started his whole relationship thing and it really doesn't bother them. They were a werid bunch to begin with.

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