Chapter 10 (Game Night)

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After the movie was over the girls decided that it was time for them to head to bed but Henry on the other hand planed to watch a basketball game. So the girls leave whim to it but not without giving him a kiss on the cheeks or lips.

"Good night babe!" Astrid say and being the last to greet him before she retreat back to her room. Hiccup smiled at the leaving girl. Life was good, he told himself and it just can't get any better. It appears to him that the only person having a good time was him. The girls are great, charming and overall great to be with and of course the endless amount of times he had sex was amazing too.

He frown slightly while he was watching the television. He badly missed his parents, his dogs and friends back at Berk and he was starting to get a little home sick. It's almost past midnight and he assumed his parents are sleeping right now but he was gonna give them a call anyways. If they don't pick up, he will just have to call them tomorrow.

He when ahead and pulled out his phone and facetime his parents and surprisingly within the first ring his parents picked up the call and he can see both their faces in his phone screen. They have happy smiles on their face, and are very excited to see their son's face.

"Hiccup! So good to see you son! Why would you call this late?! -not that we aren't happy to see you that is! " His mother ask surprised that her son will call this late at night and isn't sleeping.

"Can't a son not call his mom and dad?" Hiccup chuckle nervously whole his parent gave him the 'really is that the best you got' look

"Not this one... Come on boy, speak out your mind!" His Father laughed while his wife playfully hit him on his big buff chest for his joke. Hiccup too rolled his eyes but he was smiling... Somethings never change and his loving parents have and had always stand the test of time and gradually always comes out on top.

"well... To put it simply I miss you guys so... So much. And it's almost chirsmas and well... Well this year's will be different cause I don't get to spend it with you guys." Hiccup said emotionally, he was sad and understandably so. The girls misses their parents too but they all know by now that Hiccup just have a way more closer bond with his parents then the rest of them.

" Ooo... I know it's hard but these are hard times and we all have to be strong... We miss you too son but he can't just see you with a snap of our fingers" Stoick justify

"I know dad but I... I don't know. I'm at a lost for words here"

"son... Its completely okay and normal to feel this way-we feel the same as well and like what your father said just now we can't do anything but hope and pray for the best" Valka comfort her son and she dearly wants to just hug him while she tells him everything is gonna be okay. It might make Herny seen as less of a man but is age really relevant at this point, every person deserves to be love and desire it.

"Ya... I know... I'm honestly just making a big deal out of it. Don't get me wrong I'm happy here and Astrid, Heather and the rest makes this place feels like a second home but-"

"but it doesn't feel the same... Because it isn't the same and you must know that, we all just have to accept that fact and maybe you can really start to enjoy being far from home." Stoick adviced and it makes sense to the brown haired boy, shedding some light into his emotional conflict within himself.

"You are right dad... I should let the problem ruin the festive mood. Thanks mom, dad... I'm really glad we had this talk. Helps clear the mind"

"Always happy to help son... If that is all, we shall head to bed now, love you" his mother bidded.

"Goodnight and I love you both! And don't forget to give Toothless my love" He smiled at his loving parents before he ended the call and putting his phone away. Staring unawaringly at his own reflection.

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