Chapter 5 (Bathroom Incident)

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"Again. Please Anna! Teach me how you make those pancakes!" Herny beg the brunette girl who stubbornly refuse to share her secret pancakes mix. Henry has been asking for it ever since he tired her famous pancakes and not even her own sister knows her secret ingredients.

"No shot Hiccup!" she smirk knowing full well he despise the nickname but it had gradually grown too custom for her tongue, so the name kinda stuck, plus it annoys the brown hair man. It was funny and cute to see him flustered and annoyed at the same time. Anna was aware of the fact that he had slept with her sister and somehow she wasn't mad at him or jealous of Elsa even though she was aware of her own attraction for the pancake loving man.

"Why can't you share your recipe!" Herny whined as manly as he can. This causes the best cook in the house to roll her eyes at the young man. She is an professional Chef, working in one of most prestigious restaurants here in the state of Arendalle, a two Michelin star restaurant in fact which is rather impressive on it's own and having to know she works there was an amazing knowledge to know. Plus everytime Anna's in the kitchen, everyone knows there in for a treat.

"then it wouldn't be much of a secret wouldn't it?" Anna simply say before flipping another pancake on her hot pan, cooking it in a nice golden-brown color. Meanwhile Henry thought he was gonna drool all over himself by this again. It felt like Anna sensed it" Please don't drool over the food Herny. I kinda prefer it too be drool free... It's more edible that way" She sarcastically remark, and it was Henry's turn to give her an eye roll. Never would he thought her to be the sassy one but then again most of the girls if not all are as sassy as the last. He liked it, there were his kind of people.

"Herny are you still trying to get the secret formula from my sister?" Elsa suddenly ask when she enter the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water

"yes and can you blame me?" Herny confirmed the obvious. Elsa just shake her head, humoured by the attractive man, she sometimes can't help but adore the lovable man and ride him stupid in his bed which they have done numerous of times already and it always seems she may never want it to stop. He was her favourite stress reliever.

"I know my sister better then anyone and it's that she isn't likely to share her cooking secrets that easily. Not even if you offer her a million dollars" Elsa conclude

"let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Let's be honest I would share my secret if in return I get a million dollars but I doubt anyone here have that kind of money" Anna stated before pouring the pancake mixed onto the oiled pan to fry the next batch of pancakes.

"You're crazy but hey. Atleast you make delicious food, my tummy likes you" Herny smiled before trying to steal one of the finish pancakes but his hand was swatted by a blushing chef. Yes she was very much attracted to the man trying his hardest to steal her delicious cooks but can you blame her, the man was nothing but a ladies man, charming, sexy and confident. He walk the walk and is a very passionate guy, he loves many things, things she too are fond off. He enjoys and appreciate the taste of food and fine wine, he loves animals and the occasional warm hugs.

He was also soft and sensitive from time to time, he doesn't seem afraid to be seen as weak. He speaks his mind, weather it would be the creative side or the emotional side and that made her drawn towards him more. That and because of the sheer fact that he was older then her. She always had a thing for older men, not that freakishly old to the point that the man could be like a father to her but just atleast a five years difference.

"Well-uhm. My hands likes you as well! - wait! Oh gosh! What I mean is my hands likes doing you! - No my hands-yes my hands loves cooking for you!" Anna blush a even darker shade of red. She was abit relieved that Herny seems so oblivious to what she had just said but her sister on the other hand though was laughing her ass out at Anna's terrible 'talking with boys' skill.

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