Chapter 7 (Smash With No Controller)

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Herny stretched his arms and yawn loudly when he entered the humble kitchen. Immediately flashes of memories came to his twisted mind. He remembered staright on just fucking Anna raw on this very room. Gods was it fabulous and hot.

"Henry? Earth to Henry? Hello you in there?" The very same girl he did in the kitchen spoken up, shaking her all so soft hands, remembering them as they have wrap around his hard erection. Gods was she good with her hands. Stop! Bad Henry! BAD! his mind supplied to himself, he really needs to get a hold of himself but it's serves hard especially since he is living with six very beautiful girls, whom five of which he had gloriously slept with. And boy did he enjoyed every one of them.

He snap out from his thoughts, his mind now staright and his vision cleared, no longer blurry and the first thing he see is Anna in a cute apron that hugs her body prefectly and even emphasising her boobs more. Boy does the Gods wants him to suffer. They are probably jealous of the fact that he a mere mortal man was able to get all this gorgeous women. Just his luck maybe.

"huh? What?" He said clueless sputtering causing the brunette to snickers at the tall handsome man and poking her favourite pillow, his chest playfully. He blush in embarrassment and rub the back of his neck instinctively. How was a screw up like him manage to fuck five different and not to mention breathtaking women.

"Oh Henry! You are just adorable" She cooed before tiptoeing to kiss him on the cheek. "and good morning to you by the way" she smile, her cheeks reddened a bit from her own actions but nevertheless she was proud of it. He mirrored her smile, obviously with his own goofy spark added on top of it.

"I can get used to that" he said with a small smile, his hands grip around her waist while Anna only snorted, trying her best not to squeal like a high school girl. Gods she remembered those horrendous years of high school, they weren't fun for her, she used to be the kid that always gets bullied. Memories she would rather keep in the far end of her mind.

He suddenly realised what was he doing, was he getting attached to all the girls he had slept with? No he shouldn't, there are just fooling around right? Fucking with no strings attached? Then why was he suddenly growing a fondness towards the cute chef, towards the other girls as well. No he shouldn't, they were only fucking just to fulfill there own sexual quota. Or were they creating an individual bonds together. Maybe he was just over thinking it... Ye... Ye maybe he is...

"Herny? Hello? Are you in there?" Anna wave her hand back and forth in front of the handsome man's face after noticing he had  zoned out just a couple of seconds ago but he soon gain back his vision of reality back in no time. He shook off his thoughts, pushing it deep back in his mind and focus his attention on the cute brunette in front of him.

"sorry what were you saying?" he gave the girl a smile as a form of apology and rub the back of his neck out off habit. Anna on the other hand just look at the man with humoured eyes, gazing at him with much fondness and hints of sprinkle desires written all over her lovely blue orbs. A look he knew all too well, commonly seen from the handful of women he had recently fuck the night away with.

"Aren't you just a hot mess? Is it really that hard for you to at least try to keep up with any given conversations Mister?" Anna chuckled to herself and Henry gave her an innocent smile, one that have always made her heart flattered, even if it he had done it a thousand times over, she seem to not get tired of it.

"Well... It depends on the situation... Let's say... For example, we, the two of us, naked like the day we were born, while me being balls deep in you... Like how would I even be able to communicate or hear myself when you're just screaming my name every time I fuck you?" He said in a low voice, almost in Growling manner even. His hands grip on her once empty hips, and she bit her lips to suppress a moan. Gods this man was dangerous to be kept around her. She swear even if they were in public, she will still do him right there even if eyes were on them.

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