Chapter 3 (Making Friends In Bed)

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Herny sat awkwardly on the dining table, while the other seats were being occupied by six beautiful women. His eyes shifted towards Astrid and hie green orb spark in response. His cheeks began to heat up in a dark shade of red, memories of the two did last night filled the mind of the brown haired man. He remembered everything that happen that night, why couldn't he? It was afterall a good fuck.

It's just embarrassing that he have already slept with one of the girls on the very first day staying here. Astrid looked up from her pancakes to meet his green eyes, she smiled knowingly in response before sneaking in a cheeky wink. Gods this woman was teasing him, it was only luck that none of the other girls heard them fucked the night away, maybe they have but never the one too question it. Well he thank the Gods above, otherwise this breakfast would have been hella awkward.

"Herny? Is everything alright?" Rapunzel asked concerning at her guest, who seem to have just stared at his untouched pancakes. Her voice cause the others to look at the brown hair man as well, out of curiosity. Herny on the other hand, turned to look up from his pancakes to Rapunzel's eyes.

"erh... Huh? Ah yes, I'm alright!" He said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck, he display the friendliest smile he would possibly mustered out. Astrid now think is her second favourite feature to see from him, the first is seeing him naked.

"are you sure Hiccup? You looked like you haven't had a wink of sleep!" Heather laugh while Herny slightly cringe, turning to look at Astrid who just dumbly shrug her shoulders. Did he really just slept with her and now she is leaving him in the gutters. Evil woman.

" I-wh-sleep? Yes sleep! Got loads of it!" He answered as calmly and humanly possible, Gods knows he is just embarrassing himself but it was already too late to shut the damn mouth of his. Curse his habits of being a sarcastic jack-ass, he blamed his younger self for this. No wonder he was bullied when he was younger, that or he was an easy target, afterall he was bulid like a fishbone.

"you're really selling it aren't you, eh Haddock?" Merida added sarcastically, again Herny just give another sheepish smile.

"why don't you go on ahead and sleep. I can bring you your lunch to your room when it's time..." Elsa suddenly suggested and Herny considered it for a moment. Waking up and don't have to get out of bed while a hot girl brings him lunch was totally a bonus. His head then wonders off to another part of his head. He have just slept with Astrid, whst does that make them? A couple? Friends with benefits? Is he allowed to talk to other girls?

He turned to look up at Astrid, her eyes show nothing but interest. Not even a hint of jealous in her ocean blue eyes, it only sparks, making her twice as beautiful as she is. He shook his head to snap out of his ogling, gods was he bad with women, he had seen her naked and yet he still blush like a virgin under her alluring gaze. He should probably take a very cold cold shower before going to bed.

He turn back to look at Elsa and nodded "Honestly that sounds amazing-I hope it isn't any trouble". He could have swore he caught her biting her lips but then, it just might be his tired mind playing tricks with him, it wasn't the first time it have done that. Curse his over imaginative mind.

"No-No. It's no trouble at all... Honestly I could use the work, I'm on work leave for a few weeks. It would be good to keep my hands busy at the time being" Elsa reassure with a friendly smile that made Herny's heart skipped a beat. He smiled gratefully at her slime figure before he respectfully got up from his seat and stretch abit before making his way back to his room but no before saying his goodbyes.

"Bye Henry! Hope you get enough rest!" Anna yelled while waving at his exiting back. Heather gave Elsa the look.

"Keeping your hands busy? Really? Couldn't have word it any better?" Heather tried her best to hold in her laughter. The platinum haired girl looked at her blacked hair friend confusingly, then suddenly her eyes widen in realisation and her face heats up.

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