Chapter 2 (Getting To Know)

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A/N: please read the whole thing and not skip towards the Smut. It's long but it's for context

Hiccup and Elsa walked into the guest room with a slight awkwardness. The two don't know what to say or do given the situation can you hardly can blame them as they have just meet. So they just walked in silence and it was killing them internally. Elsa unlocked the door of the guest room and reviewed to Herny a single bed, a study area consist of a normal wooden table and an office chair. There were windows in the room and they were covered with pink curtains but what has he expecting from a house filled with girls. It wasn't bad and really habitable, after all Hiccup is nothing but a minimalistic man, he doesn't need that much to stay content.

"erh... I'm Elsa by the way. Elsa Oldenberg" she gave a small smile and Herny thought she looked cute... Well all the girls living here looked cute. Focus Henry! Your not here to ogle girls. Herny gave her his signature awkward smile before he scratched out his hand for Elsa who took it with a moment thought.

Elsa liked the feeling of his big warm hands on hers. It made her heart flatter, just who is this man able to make her feel this things. Gods those green eyes of his reminds her alot about spring, trees and grass. She didn't realise that she was holding onto his hand for far to long, not considered a handshake level anymore. She only realised it when Hiccup cleared his throat and she blushed madly before letting go of his hand quickly. "c-come down to have lunch with us when-when ever you feel like it!" she quick stuttered out before basically running away from the crime scene but the deed has been witness. Hiccup just chuckled to himself once she was gone. It's gonna be an interesting day.

Elsa on the other was still as red as a tomato. She needed to cool down. She regretted running downstairs, not only she got tired doing it but the other girls just looked at her wildly. Fuck, they are gonna ask.

"Elsa! Your so red! Oh my god what happened up there with Mister sexy and you?" Anna, her sister asked while wiggling her eye brown suggestively and Elsa couldn't help but growl.

"No fair! Elsa had her one on one with Herny! I call next!" Rapunzel now chip in while crossing her arms causing the other girls to roll their eyes playfully at her.

"it's nothing! Nothing happen" Elsa avoided while the girls just gave her the 'I know your lying' look snd she sighed defeatedly before coming clean "I may or may not have hold his hand for far to long..."

"really? That's it? That's not even something you should freak out about! It's not like you see hjm naked!" Merida exclaim while laughing and some girls wondered to the forbidden area of their twisted mind when the word Hiccup and naked mixed together. You get it.

Elsa glared at the redhead " well... I was nervous okay! I'm not good with talking with hot guys!"

"Well I for one is a expert when it comes to talking with guys" Astrid said proudly, her chin lifted up and held strong but Heather later then spoke up against it

"You sure? I remember you hospitalised a man when we when out clubbing."

"Hey! He deserved it, the guy was being annoying. So he had it coming!" Astrid defended herself while pulling both her hands up in a mocking surrender.

"Whatever you say Astrid-the mighty hot guy tamer" Rapunzel said playfully causing Astrid to growl

"Gods you made me sound like a whore!"

"You are one thought!" Heather laughed so did the others and Astrid only glared at her. "don't look at me like that! I'm only kidding..."

"I will get you back for this!" Astrid paused when she heard foot steps coming down from the stairs. It was Hiccup. "Hicc-I mean Henry is coming! Pretend to be normal!". She sometimes forget that they all don't know how to be normal but honestly, what is appointed to be considered normal? Though it didn't matter no more as Herny, on que just entered the dining room with a awkward look plastered all over his face. They notice he kinda walks funny when his nervous or shy.

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